Dating Chase Hastings
History: Chase and Trisha met one day when she was at a restaurant with her sister. It was an instant attraction between them and the two started seeing one another almost immediately. They have a wild and reckless relationship with one another, yet they are completely at ease with one another. Even though he is an exotic dancer and failed to mention that to Trisha at first, the two were able to overcome the shock. They are the perfect pair for one another given they are both free spirits.
Had a crush on Kevin Adonis
History: When Kevin first returned to Coral Valley Trisha decided it was time to make Kevin hers. Kevin, on the other hand, was more interested in being a friend to the little girl he knew growing up. When he escorted her to a birthday party her friend was having Trisha took it as a sign that Kevin wanted something more between them, but he soon put a stop to those thoughts of hers especially once she discovered he was in love with her sister Ria.
Almost had a fling with Bruce Mathis
History: After Trisha found Ria and Kevin with one another Trisha went off in a moment of upset and picked up the first guy she found at the bar. Unfortunately for Trisha it was serial killer Bruce Mathis and he'd intended on making Trisha his latest victim until she was able to escape. After that she swore off men, until Chase came around anyways.