Episode 103 

“I just don’t understand why this had to happen to Grady,” Jade sobbed as Diane hugged her trying to calm her friend’s tears as it seemed that Jade couldn’t pull herself out of the dark place she’d buried herself in from the moment she’d caught word of Grady’s condition.  Even now as night turned into morning, she felt more guilty and miserable than ever as she silently prayed that the man she loved would have the strength to make it through the day--to come back to her again as she wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around him and hold onto him forever.
“He’s going to pull through this honey,” Diane wiped at Jade’s tear stained cheeks, “you have to believe that.”
“How can I when I feel as if this is all happening because of me?  Because of what I’ve done?” Jade sobbed harder than before unable to control the misery that engulfed her, “If only I’d given Cameron what he wanted then maybe just maybe…”
“No,” Diane cut her off abruptly, “Cameron is a sick bastard and you did the right thing in running away.  If you’d let that creep hurt you anymore than he already has, then you’d be hating yourself far worse than you are right now.”
“But Grady would be okay,” Jade argued with her, “If I had given Cameron what he wanted, then Grady wouldn’t be in there fighting for his life and on death’s doorstep.  If I’d only…”
“Jade, you did the right thing.  What Cameron tried to do to you was sick and horrible and he should be the one in jail for his actions,” Diane insisted firmly as she saw the guilt eating away at Jade, “Grady wouldn’t have wanted you to give yourself to Cameron and he’d be proud of you for not letting that man and his madness rule your life.”
“But if Grady dies…” Jade insisted.
“Jade, you have to hold out the hope that he’ll pull through this.  Grady’s a stubborn, impossible man and you’ve said it yourself that he’s got more fire in him than anyone you’ve ever met in your life.  He’s got this amazing resolve when he’s got his mind set on something and that’s part of what you love about him,” Diane reminded her as he pushed Jade’s dark hair from her features.
“Even so, this is different.  This isn’t a situation that he can control.  I mean before that was so trivial compared to the battle that he has ahead of him.  He might not be able to come back to me and then if I lose him…” she trailed off overcome with the horrible sinking feeling of what might be in a world without Grady.
“You can’t think like that Jade.  It’s self defeating and it’s only going to bring you down to a place that you won’t be able to pull yourself out of.  Grady loves you and you love him and that love is going to be the one thing he’s holding onto in that operating room.  He’s not about to give up on you after all you’ve been through.  You fought like hell to get him to notice you and once he did, he was hooked.”
“Diane…” Jade threw her a look.
“Trust me on this girlfriend.  Grady Denton knows how good he has it with you and he’s not going to let something like a life or death situation keep him from being with you,” Diane tried to encourage her, “despite the ups and downs you two have had, you have something real and I know he’s going to keep pushing to come back to you.”
“I wish I had your confidence Diane, but things just feel so bleak,” Jade sniffled.
“Even if it seems that way love has a strength that we tend to undervalue most of the time because we’re not really seeing it for what it truly is, but it’s the strongest bond in the world.  If you believe in that power that love can hold, then anything is possible Jade.  Your love can be the thing that keeps Grady with you.”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough Diane.  We both know that…” Jade argued unable to believe that something good could happen from the tragedy that had fallen upon the man she loved.
“Jade, honey you can’t stop believing that fate will give you a good hand.  I just know in my heart that Grady’s going to wake up and want you there to hold him--to tell him how much you love him and when that moment arrives, I’ll be right there reminding you I told you so.”
“I so hope you’re right, but after everything that’s gone so very wrong in my life, I’m just not sure that’s an option anymore Diane,” Jade sighed heavily unable to find the courage to believe the best would happen as she looked up to see Doctor Raines standing before her, entering the waiting room area.
“Doctor, how is my brother,” Russell questioned rushing over to the woman before them as Jade too found herself drawn up from her chair her breath caught in the back of her throat as she feared for the worst.
“He’s in recovery as we speak,” Elizabeth explained as her tired features seemed strained as if she was holding something back.
“But?” Jade questioned impatiently, “Why do I sense a but coming on?”
“We were able to stabilize him and get his heart rate going again, but given how long he was under, there’s no telling what will happen when he wakes up.  There’s still a strong possibility of brain damage, but we won’t know more until he wakes up,” Elizabeth continued as Jade felt a whimper rise in the back of her throat.
“Presuming he wakes up that is,” Jade blurted out doubtful for what may be as she thought of the menacing expression Cameron had in his eyes when she’d pushed him away.
“I’ve done everything that I could do, but it’s in God’s hands now,” Elizabeth confessed with a sigh as she turned her attention to Russ again, “I’ll let you know if there are any updates.”
“Thank you Doctor,” Russell nodded accordingly holding onto Avery as Jade stood frozen in the moment, unable to think of anything other than the image of Grady that her mind had painted upon the doctor’s words.
“Jade,” Seth stepped forward reaching out to his sister as she stepped away from him.
“No, please,” she choked up on emotion unable to muster up the courage to keep up the strong front as she looked between her group of friends, “I just…I need some air,” she finished racing out of the waiting room down the hallway as Diane gave the group a quick look.
“I’ll go check on her,” Diane promised leaving the rest of the group to their prayers that somehow Grady would pull through the disaster that had come upon him.


Brant stepped into the Ashford dining room looking around the well lit area realizing that while the bright and sunny morning held an air of promise and the right kind of atmosphere for a productive day, it seemed that there wasn’t another face to be found at the dining room table.  Sure the Ashford family wasn’t exactly traditional by any means, but usually he’d found Ken reading a paper or Blake shuffling around with the latest drama that had surrounded her life.  Today, however, things were unusually quiet and that left a rather unsettling feeling inside of Brant as he opted to take a run to the kitchen in the hopes of catching his brother or sister before they left for the morning.  However as Brant entered the kitchen, it too was empty.
“Hmm, well I guess I’m the only one with too much free time on his hands,” Brant grumbled to himself hearing the faint sounds of Peanut’s shuffling on the floor from behind him as he spun around to see Annie coming in with Peanut after their morning walk.  Smiling he stepped toward Annie greeting her brightly, “Good morning Annie.”
“Good morning Brant,” she smiled brightly greeting him in response with a small wave, “I’m surprised to see you still around here.”
“Is it really that late,” he gave her a strange look, “as I thought I was getting an early start on the morning.”
“Hmm, well I suppose it’s not late at all, it’s just that with your brother getting such a hurried start, well it made the day seem like it started much earlier than normal, yet my body hasn’t quite adjusted,” she confessed taking Peanut off of her leash before the small dog raced over to her water bowl to take a much anticipated drink after her morning walk.
“So what kind of trouble has Ken gotten himself into this morning,” Brant questioned casually making his way over to the fresh bagels that were awaiting his attention on the kitchen countertop.
“He’s actually going out of town for a few days,” Annie sighed in confession as she brought her fingers up into her dark hair, “It was really a surprise that he decided to up and leave so quickly, but given the nature of the accident…”
“What accident,” Brant spun around to face her, worry evident in his features as he clenched his bagel tighter, “What’s happened to Ken?”
“Oh Ken’s fine,” Annie began apologetically realizing that she’d sparked the wrong response in Brant, “but poor Caitlin, well as if that girl doesn’t have enough to deal with in having been released from the hospital only to have something like this hit her family.  It just isn’t right.”
“Caitlin huh?” Brant questioned in a bored tone clearly disinterested before he thought twice of it and leaned up against the counter eyeing Annie with a newfound interest, “Okay, I’ll bite.  What’s going on with Caitlin?”
“Why it’s her father--the poor man was injured in a work related accident.  Something about a construction site he was visiting and there being some kind of commotion,” Annie explained briefly, “Ken said that there wasn’t any severe damage after the accident, but it was enough to scare the life out of poor Caitlin and she and Ken decided to go out west for a while to check up on her father’s condition.  The five of them came over earlier while Ken made arrangements for the trip…”
“Five of them?” Brant arched a curious brow.
“That’s right,” Annie nodded quickly, “Ken, Caitlin, her poor, poor mother, her brother and his lady friend, which reminds me it was a good thing that Blake was over at the hospital while they were here or else she might’ve been truly upset about seeing him with his latest companion.”
“Blake’s at the hospital,” Brant’s jaw dropped in horror, “Annie, please don’t tell me something’s happened to her.”
“No, not to her, but a friend of hers is going through some hard times right now, so she and Seth went over to try to help out,” Annie tried to assure him realizing that she’d given Brant quite a scare already in their brief conversation.
“Why is it that I know nothing about this family these days,” Brant grumbled in response wondering how it was he was so out of touch with the world around him.
“Perhaps it’s because you’ve been making yourself scarce,” Annie suggested stepping in towards him, “or perhaps it’s because it’s the first time in a long time that you’ve actually taken any real interest in it.”
“Ouch, that hurt,” Brant frowned bringing his hand up over his chest in mock offense, “Do you really think so little of me Annie?”
“Of course I don’t,” she offered up in an apologetic tone, “but what I was merely trying to convey in my message is that you’ve always been surrounded by so very much drama that you’ve been far too busy to pick up on the smaller things around here.  However, lately you’ve been more of a homebody, yet you’ve kept your distance, which worries me Brant.”
“Don’t let it worry you Annie,” he urged throwing out a soft smile, “as it’s not something else you should stress over.”
“How can I not be concerned when you aren’t being yourself,” Annie reached out to touch his arm gently, “Brant, I want to see you happy.”
“I’m working on that,” Brant promised with another half smile, “and hey weren’t you always the one that was telling me that I was spending far too much time chasing around the wrong women when I needed something a bit more worthwhile to devote my attentions to.”
“When I said that to you, I didn’t mean that you should cut yourself off from the world around you and those who love you Brant,” Annie’s eyes flashed with worry, “as I’d hate to see you bury yourself so deeply on the inside that you can’t share all the wonderful things you hold inside from those who are waiting for that opportunity to see you as you truly are.”
“Eventually they’ll see what they need to see,” Brant offered up a quick kiss on her cheek before winking down at her, “besides, I figure I’m not in a hurry to get out there on the market again with the whole dating chaos since there aren’t any women out there as special as you are Annie.”
“Oh see now there’s the Brant I know and love,” Annie swatted at his chest in a playful fashion, “and one day you’re going to find a woman who can’t wait to eat all of you up.”
“Well actually, if eating me up is what you’re really concerned about, then I can assure you that plenty of women have already…” Brant began proudly as Annie reached out to place her hand over his mouth to silence him.
“I think it’s far too much information for me dear as I’m not as young as I used to be,” she couldn’t help but laugh as Brant reached for her hand offering up a gentlemanly kiss upon the top of her hand.
“Even so, you’re as beautiful as ever,” he confessed smoothly.
“And you’re such a flatterer,” she shook her head at her, “and that’s bound to get you into some kind of trouble soon enough.”
“Isn’t that what you’re hoping for,” he winked again.
“I’m almost sorry I started this conversation with you,” she couldn’t help but laugh in response.
“Yeah, well hey, before you know it, the women will come flocking in to see me once again,” he boasted hearing the doorbell ringing as his face lit up with a sly grin, “See, here they come a calling.”
“In that case, I think Peanut and I are going to head on out to the gardens for a while,” she threw out one last wave leaving him to the latest arrival at the mansion as Brant let out a hearty laugh enjoying his brief conversation with Annie.
Whistling a tune, he made his way to the door realizing that perhaps Annie was right.  Maybe it was time for him to get back in the swing of things and with Avery so very close, maybe just maybe he could find that way in that he’d been seeking out for quite some time.  Sure, he still had a way to go, but there wouldn’t be a problem in turning up the heat a little bit to remind Avery of just how amazing he could truly be, he reasoned opening up the front door to see Susan standing before him looking as irate as ever as she pushed her way into the mansion.
“It took you long enough,” she scowled up at him tapping her foot on the flooring impatiently as her dark eyes continued to launch their penetrating glare.
“Well hello to you too Susan,” Brant swung the door to a close breezing past her as he headed back towards the kitchen area to return to his bagel he’d left behind in the jaunt from the kitchen.
“Where do you think you’re going,” Susan frowned chasing after him, “We have some serious problems here.”
“Even so, you know it’s best to work through them over breakfast as things seldom get done over an empty stomach,” Brant glanced back at her casually, “can I get you a bagel or something to drink?”
“Just like a man to think with his stomach instead of the small cluster of brains that God gave him,” she rolled her eyes as her frown deepened, “Do you have any idea what I’m up against this morning?”
“It’s not really that hard of a choice to make Susan,” Brant blew her words off, “would you like orange or apple juice?  If you can’t make the choice, then I can do it for you if you’d like.”
“I’m not talking about the damned juice.  I’m talking about the situation we have going on with Ken,” she glowered finding her fingers balling up at her sides in tight fists, “I stopped by the hospital and saw that twit was released so then I called Ken’s office to get into contact with him today and his secretary informed me that he’s out of town on personal business.”
“That’s right,” Brant nodded in confession, “he is.”
“And?” she questioned impatiently, her heels clicking harder on the floor beneath her.
“And what,” he shrugged his shoulders innocently.
“And this is where you tell me where he’s at so that you and I can find a way to make sure that he and his precious Saint Caitlin don’t find a way to strengthen this ridiculous thing they have going with one another,” Susan continued her voice full of a determined sneer.
“Fearing the competition now?” he arched a curious brow, “And here I thought you were quite confident about your sexual prowess where Ken was concerned.”
“I am confident, but I just don’t want that twit using every sob story imaginable to appeal to Ken’s good guy side,” Susan rolled her eyes as she folded her arms in front of her chest, “While I realize that’s a tactic some women use, I find it to be terrible overrated.”
“And yet you feel threatened by it,” Brant noted opening the door to the refrigerator and pulling out the cream cheese for his bagel, “Interesting.”
“What’s interesting is that you keep pushing me off when I want answers Brant…although I wouldn’t quite call it interesting.  I’d more so label it as irritating,” she marched up behind him ready to lash out at him as he knelt before the refrigerator with the door open, but as she grew close to him he stood upright and spun around to face her with an exaggerated movement.
“Irritating or not, give me one good reason why I should tell you anything,” Brant challenged as he stared her down feeling her anger burning beside him.
“Because we’re partners Brant,” she reminded him with a huff.
“Ah yes, that’s an interesting word you’ve used Susan because partners generally implies an equal working relationship and up until this point I think our association for our cause has been anything but equal,” he stated plainly pushing his way past her as he stepped in over towards the counter once again.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean,” she followed after him, “We both want the same thing where Ken is concerned.”
“True, but I also wanted another thing in our partnership Susan and thus far you haven’t made an inch worth of effort in helping me obtain what I want,” Brant reminded her with a scowl, “so in that sense, I’d say that we are anything, but partners.”
“Oh please,” she rolled her eyes, “I’ve been doing a lot where Ken is concerned…”
“I’m not talking about Ken.  I’m speaking about Avery,” he cast a sharp glance in her general direction, “You haven’t helped me make any steps closer to what I’ve wanted from her and that was part of the arrangement.”
“Can I help it if Russ keeps an eye on her like a hawk,” she groaned shaking her head at him, “and besides the bitch is already wrapped up in a world of trouble on her own that won’t let us penetrate her little happily ever after.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Brant questioned with obvious curiosity.
“If you want me to tell you, then you tell me where Ken’s gone off to and we’ll call ourselves even,” Susan decided firmly standing her ground as Brant moved in towards her.
“Don’t push me Susan because I’m not in the mood to be toyed with,” he warned his tone darkening with the moment as his dark eyes penetrated hers.
“Neither am I which is why I’ll tell you what I know when you tell me what it is I want to hear,” she replied stubbornly as she took a step in towards him.
“No, you’ll tell me what I want to know now,” he ordered watching the twisted smile spread over her viscous features as her lips curled in response.
“No,” she spat out watching his reactions carefully as Brant stood nose to nose with her in a long, intensified moment of silence between them.  They continued to eye one another with malicious intent until finally Brant broke the silence.
“Fine, then to hell with you,” Brant pushed her aside making his way over to the kitchen table, “See if I lift a finger to help you with Ken.”
“Fine, then you’re screwed where Avery’s concerned as you know you need me to get what you want,” Susan challenged as Brant sat down in one of the empty chairs.
“Not that badly I don’t,” Brant stated casually biting into his bagel as he didn’t even bother with looking in her direction.
Susan frowned wanting to ring his neck as she watched him chewing on his bagel.  She glared at him as he took each carefully timed bite of the food he’d prepared for himself.  While she hated to admit it, what she had was nothing compared to what he could do for her and for the moment, she knew what she had to do.
“Fine,” Susan blurted out in defeat making her way over to the table to take a seat across from him, “I’ll tell you what you want to know, if and only if you promise you’ll clue me in on where Ken is.”
“It’s a deal,” Brant’s eyes snapped up to meet hers as he took another nibble of his bagel, “but only under one condition.”
“What’s that,” Susan frowned already hating that she’d pulled herself into a partnership of any sorts with Brant.
“You do me one favor first--one that will certainly raise a few eyebrows around town,” Brant explained watching her features scrunch up with the moment as he could sense her heavy displeasure in being at his mercy.
“Why do I have the distinct feeling that I’m going to loathe whatever it is you have in mind,” she grumbled back at him grudgingly resigning herself to what he had brewing behind his mischievous brown eyes.
“Oh come on, you might find you enjoy this more than you think,” Brant tried to assure her ready to unveil his latest plan to capture Avery’s interest once again.
“Somehow I seriously doubt that,” Susan muttered under her breath hoping that whatever Brant required of her that somehow it would lead her one step closer to getting everything she wanted with Ken as soon--very soon he would be hers all over again.


Tension mounted up over the back of Heather’s neck and shoulders as she spent most of the morning pacing around her bedroom awaiting Cameron’s return.  Nightfall had come and gone leaving way for the morning to take it’s first breath of life and Heather found herself far more wired than ever as she reflected upon the previous day’s turn of events.  As if running into Brant wasn’t bad enough, her evening guest had just about sealed the day as having been one of the worst she’d experienced in as long as she could remember.  Sure, she was certain she could deal with almost anything, but last night had thrown her for a loop--one that she could certainly go without.
“Don’t think about it Heather,” she muttered under her breath not wanting to let the woman who’d paid her a very unwelcome visit get under her skin.  Still there was no avoiding the way that the woman’s arrival had shaken her world up in far more ways than she’d thought possible.  Clearly there was enough pressure with Douglas Mahoney breathing down Heather’s neck, but with the woman in town, well if those two ever crossed paths…
“Oh Heather what are you worrying about,” she thought aloud as she cast a brief look in the mirror before her, noting how her lack of sleep had left her far too tired looking for her liking, “No one is going to ever know about her.  She’s not going to do those horrible things you’re afraid of.  You’ll just get rid of her.”  And get rid of her she would, Heather vowed fingering a strand of her blonde hair as she tried not to worry herself with things that could be fixed. 
Still as Heather had spent the rest of her night alone after her guest’s exit, she couldn’t help but wish that Cameron had been there to share the rest of the night with her.  She needed a distraction and maybe a night with her husband could’ve provided that--that was if he’d bothered to return to their estate.  She’d called his office a few times, but there hadn’t been anything but the service there to take her message.  Now as Heather paced around her room she wished that Cameron would just come walking through the front door doing something to alleviate the intense bundle of nerves she’d become in her wondering where he‘d been.
“Cameron,” she hissed, digging her perfectly sculpted nails into her sides when the sound of the roaring engine of his sports car filled her ears.  Not bothering to look out the window as she raced out of her bedroom, Heather made her way down the long, winding staircase ready to meet Cameron head on as she thought to the long hours she’d spent wondering where in the world her husband could be while she was dealing with the stresses that had come her way in his absence. 
However, as Heather thought to her eager approach, she slowed herself down to a slow, structured pace as she reached for one of her fashion magazines hoping to come off as being casual as he stepped through the front doors.  Seating herself down on the sofa in one of the front sitting rooms, she spread herself out in a leisurely fashion in the hopes of making it appear that she’d been perched there for a while absorbed in the latest issue of Vogue that had graced her doorstep while taking in a slow breath.  She let out a sigh hoping to come off as appearing bored and disinterested as Cameron’s heady footsteps made their way down the hallway.
“Cameron,” she lifted her nose out from behind the magazine she’d haphazardly thrown open as she caught a glimpse of him rushing beyond her, clearly in a world of his own at the moment, “there you are.”
“Heather,” he spoke her name in a bit of a winded tone, appearing rather rushed and distracted as he forced himself to stop and pay her a brief visit, “how are you?”
“I’m alright I suppose,” she tossed the magazine aside onto the leather sofa while sliding her legs down to the ground again in an obvious seductive fashion as her lacy black nightgown slid up over her body’s contours with just enough devilish intent to raise the interest in any man.  However on this morning, Cameron was ready to do anything, but take the bait as his eyes drifted out into the hall again with obvious distraction.  “Is something wrong Cameron?”
“No, of course not,” he answered in a shifty tone, unable to stay focused as his eyes fell upon her once again, “Need something?”
“Well, I was kind of hoping that perhaps we could discuss some of these figures I’ve put together for the agency since you’re the one putting forth the financial backing for the business,” Heather explained flashing him a sexy smile as she tossed her hair back behind her shoulders.  Tentatively, she slid her hand out over the sofa patting it gingerly before easing her lips into a subtle, inviting curl, “Care to join me?”
“Actually, why don’t we get into that later as I have a few things to attend to this morning,” Cameron began dismissively before pondering it for another moment longer.
“Well I suppose it could wait, but we’ve kind of put it off a while already and you’d mentioned wanting to get a head start on our business,” Heather pouted batting her eyelashes at him once again.
“Heather, I really don’t…” he stopped himself letting out a heavy sigh, “On second thought I’ve got a better idea.”
“I knew that you’d see it my way,” Heather rubbed the smooth texture of the sofa sliding her fingers over it’s contours as she waited for her husband to join her.
“How about you just work up the figures and I’ll approve whatever it is that you think you need?” Cameron suggested not bothering to take a step in towards her as his thoughts were straying to another situation at hand.
“I…I suppose that would work, but Cameron,” she lowered her voice to a tiny whimper of longing, “I missed you last night.”
“Look Heather I was busy with my…” he started seeing the way in which she allowed her robe to fall off her shoulders onto the sofa behind her as she stood upright making a confident stride towards him.  He could see the expression on her face that clearly meant trouble was on her mind as she licked her lips allowing one of the straps on her sexy nightgown to drop down her shoulder with her movements.
“It was a very cold night last night all here by my lonesome,” Heather dropped her head enough to offer up the look of a wounded woman as she stepped in before him, letting him see just how much his absence had effected her, “I was really hoping that you’d come back home and warm me up a bit.”
“I would’ve, but I…” Cameron began as she pressed her index finger to his lips to silence his words of explanation.
“That’s not important right now, but what is, is that you’re home,” she whispered sliding her palms in over his chest before pushing his jacket off of his body, easing it down over his arms before she took a step back her blue-green eyes penetrating his, “as all that really is important is that you’re home now.”
“Heather I…” Cameron felt his throat go dry as she leaned into him once again, her lips hovering in over his just long enough for the warmth of her to capture another fraction of his attention as she ran her tongue along his bottom lip tracing the soft, sensitive flesh for a lingering moment before drawing back.  She smiled at him seductively before reaching for the straps on her gown and teasing them off of her body as she shimmied out of her nightgown revealing temptation in it’s purest form for her husband in the hopes of capturing his attention.
“I think it’s time you come over here and savor the morning with your wife,” Heather threw out boldly shaking her head as her blonde hair cascaded around her face emphasizing the vision of beauty Cameron had standing before him.  His eyes widened with obvious interest as she stepped backward, sliding down over the sofa and patting the cushion once again as her grin expanded, “so what do you say?”
“Heather I just think that…” Cameron’s voice came out in a muted raspy tone as she traced her index finger over her breastbone drawing attention to her other finer attributes before letting out a slow, anticipatory moan.
“Don’t think Cameron.  Just come over here and show me how you’re feeling at a time like this,” she opened her arms, stretching them out to him in invitation as Cameron seemed all the more tempted to sink into the desire she’d laid out before him.  She watched as he took one step closer to her--then another, his eyes drinking up every inch of her as Heather found herself silently thinking of the victory she’d scored with her husband as he hovered in over her, ready to take his first taste of temptation as she closed her eyes ready to indulge the perks of being Mrs. Cameron Stone, but as she felt his lips just above hers, the obtrusive sound of his cell phone brought her back to the same cold reality she’d been stuck in before.
“I’m sorry Heather,” Cameron apologized from across the room as he bent over to pick up her nightgown tossing it over to her before he headed to the room’s archway once again, “this can’t wait.”
“But your wife can, huh,” she grumbled folding her arms in front of her chest as she wondered what was so damned important that it kept Cameron from succumbing to her charms.  Whatever it was, she was about to find out as this blowing her off wasn’t about to be tolerated.  That much she was certain of.


“So how are you feeling this morning Mum,” Guy questioned taking a seat beside his mother as he set down the bag of goodies he’d brought over for her from the pastry shop, “Better I hope?”
“Oh I’m surviving,” she sighed heavily, “as the doctors keep telling me that I’ll be able to get back into the swing of things soon enough, but you never can tell it seems with the way things tend to go.”
“All I know is that I want you to start feeling better soon,” he replied uneasily, “as I hated seeing you in such a horrible condition and with your hurting yourself like you did with that ankle.  I still think that you should get a second opinion on that after the fall I heard you take before.”
“I’m sure it’ll be just fine as I’m really getting back into the swing of things and before you know it, it’ll be business as usual,” Brooke boasted eagerly, “I just spoke with your father not long before you arrived and he’s planning on coming over to spend some time with me so that Brant doesn’t feel he has to baby-sit me.”
“I’m sure Brant doesn’t feel that way as he’s been very hospitable with our family after all he’s done for us in such a short time,” Guy replied thinking to all the selfless actions Brant had put out where the Morrison family was concerned, “In fact, I happen to think that he rather enjoys your company.”
“And it’s a good thing too as I find myself rather fond of him as well,” Brooke admitted with a bright smile, “although right now I’d really rather focus on the handsome young man beside me here.”
“Mum,” he felt a bashful smile creep in over his features, “there’s not much to say.”
“Oh I’m sure there’s plenty considering that I noticed you’re alone this morning when you weren’t the last time we saw one another.  Am I to assume that there’s trouble in paradise between you and Miss Carmichael?” she questioned hopefully as Guy felt a hint of distain creep in over him.
“Guy, I’m just saying as I know you were with that girl before and things turned out horribly.  Can I help it if I’m a mother who would like to see her son avoid that same kind of fate twice in a lifetime?” she questioned reaching for his hand, “You deserve better son and we both know that girl really isn’t where you want your future to be.”
“Mindy’s a wonderful woman Mum and I care about her a great deal,” Guy started feeling nervousness settle in the pit of his stomach as he pondered whether or not now was the time to be open with her about where his heart truly was as it seemed that she was sensing that things weren’t exactly as he’d pretended them to be with Mindy.
“Guy, I want you to find someone who makes you happy--someone who loves you unconditionally and with all of their heart so that you won’t ever have to feel as if something is missing from your relationship,” Brooke continued with an impassioned tone, “I’ve had such high hopes for your future son…”
“You mean you don’t want to see me in something like what you and Richard have had with one another,” he arched a speculative brow as he pondered her words.
“I’ll be the first to admit that your father and I have had some problems over the year Guy, but the truth to the matter is that he and I have finally reached that point with one another where we’re finally ready to move beyond all the trivial things that have been keeping us apart and we can see into where our hearts truly lie,” she couldn’t help but smile as hope filled her features, “Your father and I are exactly where I’ve been longing for us to be for so very long and I have a wonderful feeling about things Guy.”
“Yes, but I know how he tends to break your heart each and every time you’re feeling optimistic mum,” he sighed heavily hating to see his mother get her hopes up for something that would never happen.
“Guy, don’t you worry yourself with what’s happening with your father and I as I’m sure that things are back on track.  You on the other hand have some work to do as I really don’t get the feeling that you’re lost in the whirlwind of romance you want to lead me to believe has come upon your life.”
“Mum, I am really rather happy,” Guy took in a deep breath feeling her squeeze his hand gently.
“That’s all I could ever want for you son and I hope you realize that.  Regardless of who you choose to share your life with, I just want that happiness for you and that’s really all it amounts to.”
“I’m glad that you said that Mum as there’s something that I do want to share with you--something that I really think you should know as I’ve kept it to myself for far too long already,” Guy admitted taking in a slow breath.
“Oh?” Brooke arched a curious brow, “and what might that be?”
“Well actually, it’s just that, well I haven’t exactly been honest with you about a lot of things, but now that I’ve had time to really think about them--to put things into perspective, well I think you deserve to know the truth,” he paused feeling his heart racing in his chest.
“That sounds pretty serious,” she noted eyeing him intently as he prepared to tell her the one secret he’d kept buried inside for so very long.
“It is and I really don’t want to keep it from you any longer,” Guy confessed as he lifted her hand to his lips offering up a tender kiss before speaking once again, “as the truth is that I’m in love Mum.  I’m happy and I’m in love with the most amazing person and I know if you give it a chance, you’ll see that this is where I’m meant to be in my life and I hope that you’ll still support me and be there for me in this.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?  Guy all I’ve ever wanted for you was for you to find some happiness in your life,” Brooke reminded him with a simple smile, “Don’t you know that by now?”
“Yes, but, well I guess I was just afraid and…” he let out a nervous laugh, “I’m being silly, aren’t I?”
“It’s okay,” she offered up supportively, “just tell me what it is that’s on your mind son.”
“Well, it’s just that I’ve found someone that makes my life feel complete and…” he started ready to share the truth about where his heart was when the sound of the phone ringing on the dresser broke through his words.
“And what?” she questioned noting his hesitance as the phone continued to ring, the caller clearly not giving up on their quest to reach out to someone at the mansion as Brooke held up her finger to silence him, “Sorry about this--it’ll only be just a minute.”
“Of course,” Guy nodded losing himself to his thoughts as he pondered the time and energy he’d wasted in not being open and up front with his mother.  Now it seemed almost foolish as he realized that he should’ve been honest with her from the start.  She would understand how he felt and she would accept that he was in love with Gabe--she had to and when he told her the truth, he knew that she would support him as that’s what she’d been saying.  She was a changed woman and she was ready to have a new lease on life.  It was going to work out as he could finally be himself without anything to keep that true part of him in the dark any longer.
“So where were we,” Brooke interrupted his thoughts of hope for the future as Guy looked at her once again noting the change in her expression.
“Mum, who was it?  Is something wrong,” he inquired watching as she shifted restlessly in the bed.
“No not at all,” she rose from the bed much to his surprise, “as that was Marc Ashley and he’s coming on over with his daughter Cathy to discuss the arrangements for that party we had to reschedule.  He’s bringing his plans for the party with him and he was on his cell phone which means he could be here any second, but still…”
“Oh,” Guy’s eagerness faded as he watched his mother hurrying to pull herself together as the thought of company soured his mood, “Well I suppose that’s a good thing.”
“It’s better than good Guy as it gives us a chance to really get focused on the latest Beholder Campaign which I’m sure is going to be incredible to say the least.  I can feel it in me that it’s going to be the thing that sets us on the map all over again,” she continued pulling out a few of her things as she cast a glance over at him from in the mirror.  Setting her blouse down, she turned around to face him, her giddy spirit fading for a moment, “Oh I’m sorry, what was it you were trying to say?”
“It’s not important right now,” Guy decided regretfully rising from the bed and approaching her, “we can talk about it later, but right now how about we work on getting you looking glamorous for our company?”
“I knew I could count on your help son,” she grinned from ear to ear as Guy tended to assisting his mother, vowing that he would find another time to share with her the truth about the man in his life.


The sunlight crept it’s way into the hotel room despite Gabe’s attempts at shutting it out.  While he’d never been one to shy away from the morning, it seemed that this particular day was one that he’d much rather just keep under wraps--at least for another hour or so.  Rolling over in the king sized bed only to feel the cool sheet beside him, his eyes lazily opened and a frown touched over the corners of his mouth as this scene was becoming all the more familiar since his arrival in Coral Valley.  No longer did he awaken to the comforts and warmth that his love provided, but he found himself all the more accustomed to the generic impersonal beginnings that the hotel seemed to provide him with.  Not that the hotel wasn’t luxurious in it’s own way, but it just wasn’t the same as his place in Europe--the place where he and Guy had shared a great many memories with one another--memories that were seemingly non-existent in the small town of Coral Valley.
With that thought came the harsh jolt of reality, as Gabe sat upright scratching his head as he looked around the hotel room seeking out some kind of connection to something other than being the odd man out.  Even now after not having spoken with Guy in a couple of days Gabe could feel the distances growing between them and it left him with a very unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach.  How could two people go from having it all and knowing one another inside and out to waking up the next morning strangers and far more distant than anyone who’d shared any kind of feelings between them should be?  It didn’t seem right to care so much for someone who was so ready to push those feelings aside on a whim and yet here Gabe was wondering if this was a sign about the state of their relationship.  Could this time in Coral Valley be the true test to their relationship as it seemed that they were heading down a road to nowhere with each other losing ground more and more with each passing day.
“This is ridiculous,” Gabe chastised himself forcing his tired bones out of bed as he vowed not to continue with the self-defeating train of thought.  Certainly things were happening for a reason, he decided and when the time was right it was all going to fall into place for him and his lover--he was almost certain of that.  Though his worries were taking control--more and more by the day as it seemed that the worries by far outweighed that security that he’d carried with him from the moment he and Guy first encountered with one another.
Back in Europe, things had been so easy--so readily falling into place as Gabe had found himself falling harder than he’d ever dreamt possible upon encountering Guy.  The two had simply crossed paths in a local café, but what came next became something far deeper than either man had expected or anticipated.  It seemed like it was the real thing--the kind of love that Gabe had kept himself shut off from for so very long, but just when the two men had been prepared to take their commitment to another level altogether, it seemed that fate was calling Guy back into the shadows of denial he’d been caged within in Coral Valley.  He was forced to hide his heart and deny the love that existed between the two men and now as Gabe thought of the step backward his lover was making, he wondered if Guy would ever be able to surface beneath the mask of deceptions he’d buried himself within.
“Just call him,” Gabe urged himself wishing that he could shake this fear that had been building inside of him as his gaze lingered over in the direction of the telephone.  If only he could just find the right words--the courage to give onto Guy as Guy faced his own inner demons, then maybe just maybe they could come to an understanding.  Maybe then Guy could stop hiding from the man that he was supposed to be and start living the life that had called out to him time and time again.  It was going to be the only way for the two men to ever recapture the magic of their romance and with each passing moment of silence between them, the hope for that love to keep flourishing was fading away--slipping just out of reach as they’d started to drift apart.
“Oh Guy,” Gabe sighed feeling absolutely pathetic as he stared at the phone wondering if his lover was thinking about him nearly as much as Gabe was dwelling on not having Guy around.  It seemed that Gabe’s doubts were about to consume him, but just before that point reigned supreme, the phone began to ring sparking the hope that Gabe was desperately clinging to as he reached for it trying to steady his voice as he answered, “Hello.”
“There you are,” Noelle hissed into the phone, her voice as poisonous as a viper as she started her verbal assault upon him, “What the hell is this crap about your not taking calls through the night?  What if Brittany had an emergency?  What if we needed you?”
“Then they would’ve put you through,” Gabe sighed heavily, feeling an ache building in his temple, “I just wanted to catch up on some sleep as I’ve been seriously lacking that lately…”
“Well maybe if you’d stop screwing around with that lover of yours then you’d have the time to do the important things in life--like be a father to our daughter when she needs you,” Noelle continued in an uproar.
“I’m always there for Brittany,” he argued with her, “I’ve been there for everything she’s needed and…”
“Oh the hell you have.  You’re useless Gabe and this garbage you have your lawyers pulling on me proves that.  Did you really think by having your lawyer talk to me that it would make me change my mind about Brittany going to boarding school?” she snapped once again, “To think that you care so little about our daughter’s education when the place I want to send her only hosts the finest and most refined young ladies…”
“She’s too young for that Noelle and even if she wasn’t, I don’t think I’d want her to go,” he confessed feeling the same tired argument begin again.
“You’re only saying that to spite me, just like you always try to do.  As if it wasn’t bad enough that you left Brittany and I to be with your disgusting lover, but now, well now you’re turning your back on our daughter when she needs you the most--when she’s been given a pivotal opportunity in her life to make something of herself,” Noelle charged back at him.
“Noelle, she’s six years old for heaven’s sake.  Clearly the decision not to send her away isn’t going to ruin the rest of her life,” he snapped back in response.
“Oh believe me it could as she’s already older than half the girls who have been going there and she’s going to be behind already in the curriculum so the school is really taking a chance on her and…” she ranted.
“It’s not happening Noelle.  I’m not letting you send our daughter away like that.  She deserves stability and structure in her life and…” he began his fury simmering as their conversation continued.
“And she really gets that from having a flaming queer as her father, now doesn’t she?  How do you think it effects her knowing that her daddy is off screwing other men while I’m here to deal with the aftermath of your life of sin?” she lashed out at him, “You destroyed our family when you ran off with your lover Gabe.  You’re the one who turned your back on us so don’t you dare accuse me of trying to hurt Brittany when you were the one who caused her all of the pain she’s been through over the years.”
“Brittany understands how things are Noelle and my sexuality isn’t something that will hurt her because she’s a smart child and you and I both know if I’d stayed with you, it would’ve only been worse for us all…” he began feeling the sting of her words over the line.
“No, the only one who it would’ve hurt was you because then you wouldn’t be able to gallivant around with your lovers flashing all your disgusting, twisted affairs in my face without consequence.”
“Noelle, that was never my intentions for us as I never meant to hurt you, but please don’t take this out on Brittany.  I love my daughter and I would do anything to keep her happy,” Gabe pleaded with her feeling the sharp venom in her voice, “Don’t push her away to hurt me.”
“I’m just trying to give her the world and if you can’t understand that, then to hell with you,” she finished slamming down the phone on her end as Gabe felt the vibration all the way into his hotel room.  Suddenly he was left with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach as he reflected upon the situation that had taken place over the line between him and his ex-wife.  While he’d tried to do the right thing in being honest with Noelle, it seemed that she still was ready to tear him apart, using Brittany as a tool for her methods of torture in the hopes of getting a reaction out of him.  However, in this particular instance, it seemed that along with guilt, she’d awakened all those other feelings of anger and frustration as he picked up the phone once again calling his lawyers as he realized that it was time to take action.  While Noelle might want to do something that would send Brittany across the world and away from her for the next twelve years, Gabe refused to let go of his daughter that easily as while life might not be working out the way he wanted in other areas of his life, the last thing he wanted to do was lose the best thing that had ever happened to him as saving his daughter was his top priority at the moment even if it meant pushing aside his concerns for his future with Guy.


“I can’t believe this is happening,” Russell blurted out unable to shake the unnerving feeling that had accompanied his already mixed emotions as he thought to Dr. Raines prognosis on Grady’s condition.  While he realized that Grady had been stabilized that meant nothing in the grand scheme of things as at any moment, Grady could take a turn for the worst and he feared of what that could mean.
“I know baby, but we have to keep praying that Grady will pull through this,” Avery offered up supportively reaching out to embrace him as she could sense the inner turmoil that was clouding over him, “Grady’s always been a fighter and he’s not going to give up on fighting just yet.  He’s got far too much to live for and…”
“And what if Cameron comes back to finish the job he started,” Russell questioned harshly pulling out of her reach as his own frustrations mounted, “then what Avery?  How the hell is anything going to be okay if that’s what happens?”
“Russ, I’m sure that we can get someone to post a guard on his door and…” she began desperately.
“A lot of good that did him as we both saw what happened down at the police station,” Russell’s jaw clenched with anger as his eyes skimmed over the hospital corridor spotting Dave Warner as he stepped off of one of the elevators.  “Speaking of which…”
“Russ wait,” Avery pleaded with him watching as her husband headed down the hallway ready to lash out at anyone he could get his hands on as his fears for his brother’s life overwhelmed him.
“There you are,” Russell sneered at Dave, marching in closer to him as his fists were balled up at his sides, “it’s nice to know that you took the time to check in on my brother after someone damn near killed him under your watch.”
“Russ, I had no idea that something like this would happen considering…” Dave began apologetically.
“That’s bull and you know it.  Avery told you what could happen once Cameron was involved, but as usual you and your other inept officers stood back and let that man waltz into the station and do his worst where my brother was concerned,” Russ continued on a rampage.
“No there’s no evidence tying Cameron into what happened last night.  I have the CSI team working on assessing the crime scene as we speak and as it stands there’s nothing conclusive at the present time…” Dave began in his best professional tone despite his own shaky feelings about the situation.
“You don’t need a CSI team to tell you that you and your men screwed up by allowing Cameron a chance to get at my brother…” Russ continued raising his voice with each passing moment, “If you would’ve done your job in the first place, you would’ve seen that the man who is really causing all the menace in town is Cameron, not Grady.”
“Russ, enough,” Avery stepped in between the two men as she felt her husband on the bring of losing what little control he’d had inside of him, “Dave was the one who found Grady and saved his life.  Ria spoke with one of the paramedics that brought him in and they said if it wasn’t for Dave, then Dr. Raines wouldn’t have had a chance to bring him back to us.”
“That doesn’t mean anything Avery.  We could still lose him and I’m not about to pretend that I’m not mad as all hell at what’s been done to my family,” Russell continued furiously, “It’s bad enough that the police let a serial killer run around town on the loose, but then to allow a man like Cameron Stone to run the jail on top of things.”
“I’m doing the best that I can Russ.  I’m just as suspicious of Stone as you are, but I can’t just burst through his offices and place him under arrest for this without evidence,” Dave snapped back at him, “you know it doesn’t work that way.”
“Yeah, well from the looks of things it’s not going to work any way, but the one that Cameron wants it to as he’s pulling all the strings and there’s nothing you can do to change that Dave, can you?”
“I’m doing the best that I can,” Dave repeated once again, “and I’m going to make it my priority to find the man who did this to your brother.”
“Yeah sure, just like you were going to make finding Bruce Mathis job one as well,” Russ shook his head with heavy discouragement, “At this rate, my entire family will be wiped out before you make any kind of difference Dave,” he finished sourly spotting his mother and father up ahead as he walked away from the police chief.
“Dave, he doesn’t mean that,” Avery began to apologize for her husband’s violent reaction, “he’s just hurting because of what’s happened to Grady and…”
“And he’s right Avery,” Dave sighed heavily feeling his own guilt eating away at him, “Had I just listened to what you and Grady were telling me, then maybe we could’ve all avoided this.  I knew that Stone wasn’t on the up and up with me, but I had to abide by the rules…”
“Dave, I realize that you’re trying your best at doing your job, but I meant what I said before about things not being on the up and up at the station.  I have no doubt in my mind that Lieutenant Sharpe is on Cameron’s payroll and I wouldn’t doubt that he or some of your other officers played a hand in what happened to Grady,” Avery continued thinking about the horrifying situation that had taken place, “I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about Cameron that has me certain that he’s far more dangerous than Bruce could ever be.  There’s things he’s done--things that he’s still doing and he’s out to get Grady.  That much I’m sure of and the longer that he thinks he has the chance to do it, then I have this strong feeling that it’s only going to get worse.  Last night he wanted to make sure that Grady didn’t live long enough to make it to trial, which means he’s terrified of what could happen.  He knows that it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world sees him as the monster he truly is and when he finds out that the attempt on Grady’s life failed…”
“Then we’ll be back to where we started,” Dave concluded as a frown touched over his lips.
“Which means that Grady’s in far more danger than he was before the attack,” Avery insisted urgently, “which is why I’m making a plea with you to help me find a way to keep Grady safe.  My family has already been through so much and with Grady fighting for his life like this--Dave, I’m not sure what will happen as Dr. Raines was trying to put a positive spin on things, but I’m almost afraid that if Grady doesn’t get the chance to recover without any kind of intrusions from Cameron, well I don’t know what will happen to him.”
“I’m sure that here at the hospital he’ll be safe,” Dave started again as Avery frowned up at him.
“Dave, Bruce worked here at the hospital for nearly three years using it as means of keeping his dark, dirty secrets hidden.  Now if Bruce can do something like that, then do you really believe that a man like Cameron isn’t going to be able to slip in and have his way with Grady undetected?” she gave him a pointed look.
“Well, then what do you propose Avery because you know my hands are tied until the trial.  If Grady makes it through this, well I can‘t just pretend that the charges against him aren‘t there.  You know that,” he continued with a heavy sigh.
“I do, but maybe there’s another option,” Avery suggested as a thought sparked in her head.  “In fact, now that I think about it, maybe this is exactly what we need for the situation to work out in our favor.”
“Okay, what am I missing here,” Dave gave her a puzzled look, “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking that we need to have a word with Russ because if this goes like I think it might, we may be able to beat Cameron at his own game,” she boasted ready to take things to the next level as the thought of saving her brother-in-law’s life took precedence in the moment.


“I should go look for Jade,” Seth decided after Jade hadn’t bothered to return to the waiting room area.  While he’d tried to be patient and give Jade her space, he couldn’t help but worry about her as she hadn’t been this upset in such a long time.  It was almost as though she was reliving the horrors of the rape all over again as her emotions were so very familiar to that time when Seth had seen her falling apart at the seams.
“No Seth, give her some time,” Blake urged reaching out to touch his arm as she saw the concern press in over his features, “She’s with Diane and I’m sure that Diane will be there to give her what she needs right now.”
“Even so, I hate that she won’t let me be there for her.  I hate how Cameron has hurt her and if Grady doesn’t pull through than this is going to kill her,” Seth confessed feeling his heart ache for his younger sister as his thoughts of Cameron caused him to tense up.
“He’s going to pull through this and when he does, I’m sure Cameron will get what’s coming to him,” Blake insisted hopefully as Ben nodded in agreement.
“Blake’s right.  Men like Cameron get what’s coming to them sooner or later.  While he might’ve evaded the law this long, his lucky streak is about to end,” Ben promised thinking about the pain Cameron Stone had inflicted upon those he cared about.  “In fact, maybe we can work on making that happen.”
“Believe me there’s nothing I want more right now than to tear that guy’s head off for the way he’s hurt my sister,” Seth added with a darkness in his tone.
“But you can’t go about doing it as that’s only going to put you in a bad place Seth,” Blake squeezed his arm feeling his body tight beneath her touch, “Violence isn’t the answer.”
“That seems to be the only thing that Cameron responds to and if he’s going to try to destroy Jade, I may have no other choice,” Seth continued lost in his thoughts as Blake threw Ben a pleading look hoping to have him help her out with this conversation.
“Blake’s right Seth.  You don’t want Cameron to find another way to get at Jade by hurting you.  What that needs is to be taken out, but in such a way that he doesn’t get another shot at hurting anyone else,” Ben piped in as a thought occurred to him, “In fact, the more I think about it, the more I realize that maybe we can find a way to do just that.”
“How so,” Blake questioned eager to hear what Ben had in mind.
“Men like Cameron screw up and it’s up to us to find out when and where,” Ben continued as his mind reflected upon what he knew about Cameron, “He might think that he’s holding all the cards by digging up everyone’s secrets, but a man like that has secrets of his own that are waiting to haunt him.  We just need to get on top of the game and find a way to see to it that we get the information we need to bury Cameron forever.”
“And just how do you propose we get around doing that Ben?  Clearly you can see that even the law in this town yields itself to Cameron’s influence and power,” Seth remarked sourly.
“Even so, I know a few people who don’t and for starters my father is one of them.  Given his time in the FBI, my father has made a lot of friends with power and influence,” Ben decided thinking about how his father could assist in their mission to take down Cameron, “he has ways of getting information that most of us wouldn’t even think of and he’s very effective.”
“Ben, this isn’t something that we could bring your father into considering that…” Seth started to argue.
“That what?  That Cameron is set on hurting Jade who happens to be a good friend of mine?” Ben arched a curious brow, “Or that Cameron is trying to sue the pants off of Blake’s family’s company--which I might add is my place of employment?  I’m telling you Seth, if there’s a way to get the dirt on Cameron, then my father’s the man to do it.  He’ll find out what we need to know in order to ensure that Cameron isn’t allowed the opportunity to destroy anymore lives again.  We’ll push him beyond the point he’s tried to push everyone else to and then when he’s all out of options, we’ll destroy him.”
“You make that sound easier than I know it’s going to be,” Seth added with the beginnings of a frown as he thought to what his sister was going through, “but if we can make it work and we can spare Jade some of the grief that Cameron’s been putting upon her, then count me in.”
“Me too,” Blake added as the three made a pact to do everything in their power to take down the one man who dared to shake things up for the lives of the citizens in Coral Valley.


“Brooke, you look sensational,” Marc Ashley reached out to kiss Brooke upon the cheek after taking in a moment to admire her appearance, “and who says that kidnappings don’t do wonders for a woman?  You look simply dazzling.  Doesn’t she Cathy?”
“Absolutely,” Cathy nodded, her gaze glued upon Guy as she licked her lips as if contemplating which way she’d like to eat him up.
“Well, thank you Marc as you know flattery will get you everywhere with me,” Brooke waved her hand at him with a tiny giggle.
“It would seem that you’ve been everywhere as well as I still can’t believe that you’re staying at the Ashford estate like this.  Why after the way your daughter so callously shunned Brant I would’ve thought it would have left a sour taste in his mouth where the Morrisons were concerned,” Marc added with a hint of cattiness in his tone as Guy stepped forward already finding himself agitated with the man before him.
“Mum, if you’d excuse me, I think I’m going to go downstairs and check on that thing I’d told you about…” Guy cleared his throat trying to find any excuse to get out of the situation as Cathy’s lecherous gaze was enough to make him nauseous.
“But Guy, wouldn’t you like to stay and see the projections that Marc has planned out for us,” Brooke pleaded with her son watching him make his way towards the door to exit.
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine and beside I was having the cook put on some tea for us, so I’ll just bring that back up in a few,” Guy added opening the door to exit.
“I’ll go with you,” Cathy piped in eagerly jumping up from the arm chair she’d been seated in as she pranced over to Guy.
“That’s not really necessary,” Guy tried to dissuade her from joining him.
“Oh darling let her go with you as I’m sure you could use all the help you can take,” Brooke waved her hand at him dismissively as she turned to Cathy, “as my son is far too proud to ask for help especially when he could use some.”
“I’d be more than happy to assist him with anything he should need,” Cathy licked her lips following Guy out into the hallway as Guy closed the door behind them spinning around to face her with a flicker of irritation behind his eyes.
“Look Cathy, I can do this on my own,” Guy snapped back at her in a hushed whisper after he was certain that they were out of earshot from his mother’s room.
“Things tend to be much more entertaining when they aren’t a solo affair,” she mouthed in a low, sultry tone stepping in towards him as she began to ease her arms around his body, “even you must admit to that.”
“What I can admit to is that I’m not interested in us spending any time with one another as I’ve made it painfully obvious that you’re not someone I want to get involved with,” he wrinkled his nose at her taking a step back before heading down the staircase and leaving her behind him chasing at his heels.
“Could you be any more rude,” she frowned with a huff feeling her anger mount as she followed him to the kitchen area, “as I’m really not that bad you know.  Most guys actually enjoy my company and are thrilled when I’m interested in giving them any kind of attention as I’ll have you know I could have just about any man I’ve wanted in my life.”
“That’s refreshing,” Guy rolled his eyes as he reached for the tea kettle opting to put some tea on after his tiny white lie he’d spoken to his mother, “why don’t you go find one of them?”
“What is your problem Guy?  I mean why are you so bent on ignoring me?” she continued to push the envelop with their conversation, “Do you hate sex so very much that you’d rather close yourself off from the world of excitement that I could bring to you?”
“It’s not sex that I hate Cathy, but more so I’m not into cheap,” Guy remarked sourly glancing over at her as he took note of the hot pink, high cut shorts that clung to her body leaving nothing to the imagination as they were topped off by a sheer, lacy white half top.
“You say that now, but I think it’s got more to do with the fact that you’re far too repressed,” she strode in towards him sliding her fingers over his arm as she dropped the other hand down to squeeze his bottom in a tentative movement.  “Come on Guy.  You know you want to give this a try--to have a taste.”
“Sorry Cathy,” he reached down to remove her hand from his bottom before stepping aside and tending to the tray of teacups he put together for his mother’s informal meeting with the infamous Marc Ashley, “but I’m not into spoiled goods that the rest of the world has sampled.”
“Then you’re a fool Guy Morrison,” she stomped her high heel on the floor beneath her, “as I could be the greatest adventure of your life you know.”
“Hmm, well if you really want to get a rise out of me Cathy, there is perhaps something that you could do for me,” he paused slowly giving her a once over as her eyes lit up with eagerness.
“Yes?  What is it?” she leaned in against him again, pushing her slender frame against his chest as her fingers tapered off over the center of his shirt, “Just tell me and it’s yours.”
“How about you start by taking the tea upstairs,” he suggested pushing the tray into her arms as a smile spread over his features, “as you said you wanted to help.”
“Oh you,” she scowled in protest as she clenched onto the tray feeling her anger bubble over, “You’re a tease Guy Morrison, but mark my words one day you will be mine.”
“Not in this lifetime,” Guy muttered under his breath hearing her exit the room as he felt himself filled with a moment of relief in her absence.  Now as he thought to the group awaiting his return upstairs, he felt the tension returning to him as he wished that he could find a way to get out of the situation without having to deal with Cathy all over again.  Suddenly an idea sparked in his head as he reached into his pocket to take out his cell phone ready to call upon Mindy and ask yet another favor from her that he was certain he shouldn’t be asking.  However, as he fished through his pockets, he realized that he’d left his phone in his car and he quickly made his way to the front of the mansion ready to collect his phone to make a phone call he’d have to make it up to Mindy for later.
Opening the door to exit however stopped him in his tracks as he came face to face with the man he’d been avoiding for the last few days.  Now as he saw Gabe’s loving eyes before him, he felt his heart flutter with anticipation and the tension that had surrounded him melted away in the moment as his lover was well within arm’s reach.
“Gabe, what are you doing here,” Guy questioned in a hushed whisper as he stepped out onto the porch with his lover.
“I needed to see you.  Guy, this distance between us is killing me and I can’t take it anymore.  Things have been so tense and I just couldn’t bear being away from you,” Gabe admitted unable to refrain from revealing his feelings for the man he loved, “I tried the apartment, but when I discovered that you weren’t there, I came over here just on a whim that maybe I’d catch you.”
“I’m glad you’re here,” Guy confessed in a soft ton reaching out to touch Gabe’s arm briefly before pulling back, “even though you really shouldn’t have come over here.”
“I needed you Guy and I wasn’t about to pretend that you haven’t been on my mind--that you aren’t the one thing that keeps haunting me day in and day out.  Noelle called me today and she’s threatening to send Brittany away again and…” Gabe began thinking to his ex-wife’s threats.
“She can’t do that.  I mean I know she keeps saying it, but we both know that without your permission she can’t send Brittany away and besides I thought you had that lawyer working on it,” Guy frowned thinking about Gabe’s situation, “I thought that he said there was a chance that you could see to it that Noelle didn’t pull anymore of those stunts…”
“He said that, but with how she was carrying on today,” Gabe stopped himself shaking his head in refusal to let Noelle spoil this stolen moment, “Guy, that’s not why I came over here.  I needed to see you--to be close to you if only for a moment.  I know that I’m taking a huge risk here, but since I haven’t heard from you.”
“I’m so sorry that I’ve been putting a distance between us.  You deserve so much more than what I’ve been giving you and I just wish that there was some way that I could make it up to you.  Some way that I could…” Guy began to apologize feeling his words come to an abrupt halt as Gabe threw his arms around him unable to contain himself as Gabe’s mouth dropped down over Guy’s kissing him with the unrestrained passion that had been lingering beneath the surface between them during their time apart. 
Unable to comprehend anything, but the taste of Gabe’s kiss, Guy slid his arm around Gabe’s muscled torso, savoring the sweetness of his lover’s embrace as the two men shared a long overdue moment with one another.  Slowly they separated as Gabe pressed his forehead in against Guy’s as a shuddering exhale spilled over his lips.   
“I’ve missed you so very much,” Gabe confessed, his words coming out in a shivering emotion as Guy’s response mirrored his own.
“It’s been far too long,” Guy agreed thinking about he rouse they’d put on for his family since they’d returned to Coral Valley.
“Let’s not let it be like this again,” Gabe pleaded with him touching Guy’s cheek tenderly, “Let’s just go away for a while and get things back into perspective between us.”
“I want that.  I really do and now that my Mum is getting better, well maybe I can afford a little time away,” Guy decided ready to leave his family’s issues behind long enough to spend some time alone with the man he loved, “She’s expecting me to be upstairs right about now so I can’t just up and vanish, but perhaps you can come up with me.  You could say you came over to check in on how she was doing as you were passing by and you heard the news.”
“And then we can make our escape for a little while,” Gabe questioned with a hopeful expression as Guy nodded eagerly.
“I’m sure we can arrange it,” Guy reached out to touch Gabe’s cheek for one last, lingering moment, “Just give me a few minutes to collect myself before you come upstairs.”
“I can do that,” Gabe smiled at him reaching out to kiss him one last time before Guy stepped back into the mansion throwing out one last longing look before Gabe took in a slow breath trying to control his racing pulse as it seemed that they would have to pretend just a little bit longer before they could be free to be with one another.  Still if it meant pretending a little while longer, then Gabe was prepared to do what was necessary to get those few moments of bliss with the man he loved.
“This explains a lot, now doesn’t it,” A voice called out to Gabe as Gabe stiffened on the front porch of the Ashford mansion.  Slowly spinning around he turned to see Marc Ashley standing before him looking like the cat who ate the canary as he puffed on his European cigar, “It would seem that Brooke Morrison’s son is just full of secrets, now isn’t he Gabriel?”
“Marc,” Gabe stiffened as Marc approached him with a smooth, solid stride.  The two men maintained eye contact as Marc stepped up in front of Gabe his dark eyes filled with devilish intent.
“It would seem that there are a great many tales of torrid desires taking place in this small little town,” Marc chuckled with obvious amusement, “and here I thought that young Mr. Morrison was just shy as he rebuffed my daughter’s advances, but it would seem that he’s immune to the feminine persuasion--a trait that I’m certain his mommy dearest is oblivious to, correct?”
“It’s none of your business,” Gabe answered tightly clearly upset to have been spotted with Guy by a man he’d grown to detest over the years.
“Oh Gabriel,” Marc shook his head with obvious disappointment, “How many times have I told you that you should never play with children?  They tend to have attachment issues that men like us have little patience or tolerance for.”
“This isn’t your concern,” Gabe remarked sourly giving nothing away about his position in Guy’s life as Marc gave him a brief once over.
“That little scenario spoke for itself,” Marc added with a knowing look, “although it seemed to pale in comparison to what we had back in the day Gabriel.”
“That was a lifetime ago,” Gabe answered flatly, “long before I knew what I was meant for.”
“You mean back when you were still pretending to be something you weren’t with Noelle?” Marc raised an introspective brow, “Speaking of which, how has she been doing lately?”
“Noelle is Noelle,” Gabe replied adjusting his tie as he turned to focus on the front door to the Ashford mansion, “Now if you’ll excuse me.”
“We’re not done just yet,” Marc stepped in between Gabe and the door to prevent his entrance, “as we have a few things to discuss here.”
“I have nothing to say to you,” Gabe pushed Marc aside ready to dismiss him as he reached for the door handle.
“Oh I think we do otherwise I might be inclined to inform Mommy Dearest of just what her little boy was doing on the porch with you a few moments ago,” Marc threatened causing Gabe to stop dead in his tracks.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Gabe spat back at him spinning around to face him once again.
“Oh you know I would and I might rather enjoy it considering how you broke my heart back in the day,” Marc’s eyes divided with the twisted sense of pleasure he was deriving from the situation he’d happened upon.  He stepped in closer to Gabe reaching out to finger his lapel as his voice deepened with cryptic undertones, “although given our history with one another, perhaps we can work out an arrangement to keep your lover’s secret in tact for the time being.”
“So now we’ve resorted to blackmail,” Gabe wrinkled his nose at him, “That’s a new low for you Marc.”
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Marc shrugged his shoulders simply, “So tell me Gabe, what will it be?  A little game of blackmail or shattering your lover’s image in his mother’s eyes forever?  The choice is yours.” 

...to be continued...