Episode 146

“Where the hell is Grady,” Avery demanded not even bothering with pleasantries as she marched into Dave Warner’s office.  He looked up from the mess of paperwork and press releases he’d still been working on about the bombing only to find Mrs. Denton standing before him with a fire behind her eyes.  She was still visibly shaken from the horrors she’d experienced, but judging by her tone, she was as fierce as ever.
“Excuse me,” Dave blinked back at her setting the page in hand aside, “What are you doing here?  I thought you were in the hospital and…”
“And to hell with the hospital,” she marched in towards him, “Where is Grady?”
“Avery, I don’t know if this is such a good idea in you being here all worked up, when I don’t have the first clue what you’re…” Dave started blinking back at her in surprise.
“Don’t play dumb with me Dave.  I know what you had your men do and I’m about to have your ass on a platter for you going against your word.  We had a deal Warner and…”
“A deal you say,” another voice rose from the chaos, “My that does change things, doesn’t it?  What kind if deal I might ask?”
Avery and Dave spun around to see a leggy brunette standing before them in the door to Dave’s office.  Avery clenched her fists at her side, before glaring at the woman.
“Take a number.  He’s busy right now,” Avery spat out at her before she addressed Dave again, “Well, I’m waiting for an answer here.”
“We both are apparently,” the woman explained making her way through Dave’s office regardless of the brush off Avery had issued her, “Mrs. Denton, I‘m Carly Matthews and I‘m the Assistant District Attorney running the Mahoney case.  I was hoping we could have a word with one another given that I heard you were running up your brother-in-law‘s defense, but I was hoping it wasn‘t under such circumstances given how poorly the police department has been doing their job--or should I say haven‘t been,” Carly eyed Dave with a less than savory expression, “You’re getting sloppy Dave.  To let a known criminal run free around town after faking his death.  There is no telling how many rules you broke in the name of paying a favor to a friend.”
“Listen you,” Avery glowered back at her, “I don’t know what kind of game it is you are running over at the District Attorney’s office, but Grady is innocent.  He didn’t do a damn thing to Kipp Mahoney and you and your boss can take your wild speculation, police brutality and more and stick it up your ass!”
“Avery,” Dave gasped in horror noticing that Avery looked like she was right about to jump Carly in that moment.  Moving out from beside his desk, he quickly moved in between the two women, “Look I’ll work on getting you into a room to see Grady.  I wasn’t aware that he was here, but you can see him.”
“What, so they can plan his escape again,” Carly folded her arms in front of her chest determinedly, “I want a guard posted outside the door to make sure she doesn’t try to sneak him out--wait, better make that two guards.  Also while you’re at it, why don’t you call the hospital and have one of their top physicians sent over here to make sure that Mr. Denton is in perfect health so that he doesn’t have to find himself dead,” she rolled her eyes with the word, “another time because it’s not going to keep him from prosecution.”
“Look you,” Avery waved her finger at her wildly.
“Avery, stop,” Dave touched her shoulder firmly, “I know as well as you do that you don’t belong anywhere but the hospital right now, so don’t start something that you can’t finish.”
“I can finish it and I will if you don’t stop this stupidity.  I’m telling you now that you know as well as I do that Grady is innocent and to put him behind bars again…” she began to plead her case.
“Avery, I’ll handle this,” Dave sighed heavily wondering how in the world things always managed to turn so crazy in Coral Valley.  As if the bombing wasn’t enough, but now to have Carly Matthews in his office.  Taking in another slow breath he still attempted to try to calm Avery down, “Avery, go see Grady.  I’ll have one of my men take you in there…”
“You’d better make sure it’s not Lieutenant Sharpe because if it is, I’m going to have his ass thrown in jail for assault,” Avery warned him sharply, “The man went well beyond using excessive force with Grady and with me.  I’m planning on filing a complaint…”
“And I’ll be more than happy to take it from you in a little while, but right now, go see Grady so that I can get situated,” Dave pleaded with her watching her open her mouth in protest before he escorted her to the door.  He called one of his officers over to take her to a room to meet with Grady before he reluctantly returned to his office to find Carly snooping around.
“So, what brings you back to Coral Valley,” Dave frowned slightly, his eyes involuntarily traveling over a woman whom he’d had the pleasure of knowing quite intimately in the past.  A sudden heat rushed over him before he shook the thought knowing that her arrival meant trouble.
“Dave, I have to admit I’m very disappointed with you,” she shook her head while setting down the paper weight she’d been fingering moments earlier, “Here I thought that when you’d moved into law, you’d gone down the path of the straight and narrow.  I thought that you’d finally decided to play by the rules, not make your own.”
“Look, I don’t know what the hell your problem is, but you have no right coming into my office, busting things up and having a verbal powwow with Avery Denton,” he snapped back at her, “If you had any idea what she’s been through…”
“She started with me and besides I could give a rip less what she’s been through given that you and her have obviously taken it upon yourselves to play God with the justice system,” she snapped in response, “Just where do you get off deciding who can and cannot have their day in court?  I mean really Dave, when did the rules no longer apply to you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Carly,” Dave replied emotionlessly.
“The hell you don’t Dave,” she snapped back at him, “there is no way that Grady Denton could be walking around Coral Valley weeks after his memorial service if there wasn’t a little help along the way.  I’m positive that this was an inside job and given your bleeding heart, I’m more than sure you played a hand in this.”
“Not that you give a damn, but the man isn’t guilty Carly,” Dave stood nose to nose with her, “He didn’t shoot anyone.”
“That’s for a jury to decide, not you,” Carly snapped back at him refusing to back down, “You never should’ve made the decision to step in and play God Dave.”
“And you really surprise me in being back to Coral Valley.  What happened the pressures of New York get to be too much so you thought you’d just fly on in and put my balls in a vice for the thrill of it?”
“This has nothing to do with you Dave.  This is about justice,” Carly stated point blank, her fiery eyes meeting his.
“Oh right,” he let out a disbelieving laugh, “I’m really going to buy that one given how much of a thrill I know you’re getting out of this.  You just love to watch me squirm.”
“Oh please,” she rolled her eyes watching his retreat as he moved over towards his desk, “Don’t turn this into something it’s not Dave.  You can’t still be bitter over my decision to further my career, can you?”
“Me?  Bitter?” he laughed again, “Okay, now whose the one living in the land of delusion?  Carly, my life hasn’t been the same without you in it and that’s a very good thing.”
“You’re such a horrible liar,” Carly stepped towards him, her eyes narrowing in the moment, “You hated the fact that I walked away and it’s eating you up inside right now that I made it without you.”   
“Did you,” he leaned in over his desk, “if you really had it so damn good in New York, then why are you here Carly?  Why come back now if not for any other reason than to annoy the hell out of me?”
“I have a job to do and a moral responsibility to seeing that justice is served,” Carly informed him bluntly, “and that’s what I’m going to do in this case Dave.  You can’t stop me from doing so and if you even think about interfering again…”
“What are you going to do to me Carly,” he taunted her, unable to refrain from letting some of his personal feelings skim over the top of the surface.
“Dave, I don’t think you’re getting it,” she leaned in over his desk, sending forward a whiff of her intoxicating floral perfume in the process, “My boss wants your ass in a sling for what you did here.  If it wasn’t for our personal ties, well I don’t think I could’ve been able to get you out of as much trouble as you’re in Dave.  You could lose everything and for what?”
“Carly, don’t give me the morality lecture,” he rolled his eyes leaning back in his chair, “I have enough on my plate to deal with without having to deal with that from you.”
“Fine, then let me tell you how it is Dave.  Chavez wants you brought up on charges for allowing Denton to slip away in the midst of a big trial,” she informed him bluntly, “She wants to bury you and your career to the point that you won’t even get a job flipping burgers when she’s done.”
“Let her try,” he shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not afraid of her.  My record speaks for itself and at this point, you can’t prove a damn thing.”
“Oh no?” she arched a perfectly sculpted brow, “Dave, she has witnesses coming in to her office telling her all about how you and Avery orchestrated Grady’s big escape.  She’s salivating over this and she’s ready to strike.”
“So what?  She sent you over here to warm me up before she takes a bite out of my jugular?” he questioned with a frown.
Carly opened her mouth to speak before letting out a long, slow sigh, “Dave, listen to me.  I’m willing to help you if you just stop butting in.  I’m asking you as a friend--no, as your ex-fiancée, for you to just back off.  Don’t put yourself in a position where Chavez can use it against you.  As long as you swear to me that you’ll back off--that you won’t get involved and you’ll let the justice system do it’s job, then maybe just maybe I can try to help you salvage what’s left of your career.”
“Carly, I didn’t do anything wrong.  Cameron Stone is pulling the strings on all of this and I’m sure of it.  I have a tape that was brought into my evidence of him being at Kipp Mahoney’s apartment the night of the supposed crime,” Dave explained matter of fact, “Security surveillance shows him entering the apartment and I’m telling you that in itself is reasonable doubt…”
“Then have Grady’s lawyer present that evidence in trial, but don’t under any circumstances take it upon yourself to do him anymore favors.  If you even think about it, it’ll be the end of you Dave,” Carly warned him with yet another sigh bringing her fingers up to play with a loose strand of her dark hair that was otherwise tied up in a bun, “Dave, I’m going to be honest with you on this one.  This case is very political given that it’s an election year and if you step on the wrong toes…”
“Carly, you know me enough to know that stepping on toes doesn’t concern me.  Only finding the truth…” Dave remarked sharply, “Remember, you used to believe in that once upon a time?”
“I still do Dave, but with people like you stepping in and deciding the truth, it leaves no room for the system that we believe in.  If we take justice into our own hands, we’re giving up that very freedom that our country fights for on a daily basis to maintain.”
“I’m continually amazed with you Carly,” he shook his head at her, “you can still argue anything until you’re blue in the face and still make it somewhat persuasive.”
“Yeah well, as I said before I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to fly by in here like this,” her voice softened before she finally cracked what appeared to be the beginnings of a smile, “I really do care what happens to you Dave and I don’t want to see this bury you.”
“And I’m telling you it won’t.  Whatever Chavez thinks she has is probably just been spoon-fed to her by Cameron Stone.  He’s someone you might want to look into in your quest for justice,” Dave suggested reclining in his chair a bit more.
“Yeah well let’s just say Stone has made it onto my radar, but with you, well I’d like it to be that you don’t in the future,” she explained in her best professional tone before making her way to his door.  “You do realize that this is far from over.”
“I didn’t expect anything less from you Carly,” he nodded in understanding, “and I won’t deliver a nasty message for you to take to your boss because I respect you far too much for that.”
“Then maybe I should be honest with you and tell you that when I was in New York, I always wished you were there,” she confessed with an air of sentiment in her tone, “It just wasn’t the same without you Dave.”
“Neither was Coral Valley,” he admitted honestly before he really had a chance to think about it.
“Yeah, well maybe when this blows over, we can think about talking about the situation--about us,” she spoke quietly, an air of hope surrounding her tone.  In that very moment all the old, familiar emotions seemed to come flying to the surface again between them.  They were surrounded by silence, yet something else was happening in the room around them.
“I think we might be able to work on giving that a try,” Dave nodded in confession watching her walk out of his office with a small smile before leaving him to his thoughts.  First the bombing, then Grady’s reemergence in Coral Valley and now Carly.  As if Dave needed anymore complications, he thought to himself wondering how his ex-lover’s presence in town would change things for him all over again.


Dean arrived at Deidra’s door, a ball of anticipation and eagerness at the thought of finally being able to spend an evening alone with her.  In the hospital setting they’d only been able to explore so very much with one another, but tonight, well tonight he was hoping that they’d get a chance to really know one another on a more personal level.  Ever since he’d kissed her in her office, he couldn’t stop thinking about another kiss.  Call it crazy, but there was just something about her--something that he couldn’t shake. 
Knocking on the door once again, Dean found himself pleasantly surprised when Deidra answered in a sexy, black dress.  She had her hair pinned up and she’d put on the faintest touches of makeup to accentuate her natural beauty.  Just looking at her took his breath away and in that moment all rational thought left his body and mind.
“Dean,” Deidra smiled at him, cocking her head to the side in a flirty fashion, “are you okay?”
“I…I’m…” he stammered before finally blurting out, “God, Deidra you’re beautiful.”
“What in this old thing,” she waved dismissively noticing that he hadn’t made a move towards entering her apartment.  However, judging by the way his jaw dropped and he seemed to have trouble putting his words together, she decided to take the initiative and help him inside.  Reaching out to touch his arm gingerly, she winked at him, “Can I tempt you into joining me in my apartment or would you just rather stand there and drool all night?”
“Huh,” he blinked back before feeling suddenly stupid.  Shaking his head he entered her apartment carrying the bag of take out he’d brought with him, “I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to carry myself like a moron, but you just look so stunning…”
“Is that right,” she laughed lightly circling around to show him the full effect of the dress she’d picked, “and here I thought that scrubs were more of a turn on for you.”
“Scrubs are very flattering on you,” he explained setting the bag down on the coffee table before him, “but this…well, this is something special,” he admitted unable to hold back any longer as he leaned into her kissing her quickly.  A few seconds later they parted and he smiled sheepishly, “I couldn’t resist.”
“Neither could I,” she admitted motioning towards her dining room, “I’d set things up in there at first, but then I figured why not have dinner in front of the big screen TV so we could kind of recreate the feeling of being at the movies?”
“It sounds like a plan,” he nodded half listening to what she was saying when she began to walk over to the couch.  His eyes followed her greedily unable to take her in fast enough.  When she stopped and looked over her shoulder at him, she let out a tiny giggle.
“Dean, are you going to bring dinner with you,” she motioned towards the bag still on the tabletop before smiling suggestively.
“Oh right,” he nodded again swiping the bag up before following her over to her couch.  On the center of the floor, there was a blanket laid out complete with a bottle of wine and an oversized bowl of popcorn.
“I thought maybe we could get the feel of fine dining, a picnic, and the traditional popcorn all rolled into one might be fun,” she smiled at him.
“I think it’s a wonderful idea,” he agreed watching her kick off the heels she’d been wearing.  Carefully she situated herself on the floor before stretching her fingers out to pat the blanket beside her.
“Going to join me tonight,” she teased watching him take his jacket and shoes off clumsily before moving in beside her.
“How’s this,” Dean questioned sliding in beside her only to feel her fingers skim in against her cheek urging him towards him.  His eyes cast over her flirty pink colored lips before he tasted them over his.  The sweet flavor of strawberry clearly from the lip gloss she was wearing sent his mind far from the whole dinner and a movie idea and further into the part about holding her in his arms.  Reaching out to curl his arm around her waist, he boldly pulled her in towards him never once breaking the kiss in the process.
“Dean,” she murmured his name when they finally parted.  He looked up at her, seeing the fire burning behind her eyes as she straddled him.  He placed his hands on her hips, completely entranced by her as she smiled down at him, “So what did you bring me tonight?”
“You mean other than me,” he winked up at her, loving the way her laughter surrounded them in that moment.  He rubbed his fingers out over her waist, feeling her slender curves over him, “Well actually I wasn’t really sure what to get, so I got a little bit of everything.  Though I have to admit most of it is probably a little bit too sloppy for this setup we have going.”
“Is that right,” Deidra’s eyes lit up with obvious curiosity.  Unable to resist, she reached into the bag pulling out the first container before her.  Popping open the lid, she was met by the hearty aroma of the tomato basil pasta sauce before her.  Inhaling slowly, she licked her lips with extra emphasis before reaching in to pull out a piece of penne pasta, “I looks delicious.”
“That it does,” Dean nodded in confession watching her place the pasta between her lips, fueling the heat of his desire for her more and more by every movement.  She purred slightly before fingering another piece and eating it.  There was just something about her tonight.  Up until now she’d seemed so reserved, so unsure about so many things, but in this moment she was labeled pure vixen with her shameless teasing.
“Would you like a sample,” she questioned reaching for another piece and skimming it over his lips.  He opened his mouth to accept it only to watch her shake her head at him. 
“Oh no, if you want it, you‘re going to have to work for it,” she divulged placing it between her own lips.  Not having to be told twice, Dean arched up towards her stealing the piece of pasta from her mouth, but furthermore pilfering a kiss from her in the process.  She responded accordingly, reaching for another piece of pasta that was drenched in the sauce.  She brought it up to his lips, inserting it into his mouth before a wicked smile spread over her features.
“So, what’s on the tube tonight,” Dean questioned not caring one bit about a movie now that he’d all the entertainment in the world provided for him.
“Nine and a half weeks,” Deidra blurted out brazenly reaching for another piece of pasta, “I hear it’s a hot one.”
Dean practically gulped at that one.  Watching her and feeling her above him damn near did him in.  He caressed her thigh, unable to contain the urge while she teased another piece of pasta in over his lips.  This time he took her finger in as well licking and nibbling at the tomato sauce that tapered off over her fingers.
“I hope that means you approve,” she laughed lightly watching the way his eyes had widened in her declaration, “I figured it might inspire some ideas.”
“Oh Deidra, honey, we don’t need that film for inspiration as you’ve given me more than enough already,” he confessed reaching for some of the pasta as well and feeding it to her.  He couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the way she took it all in, by the sudden heat he was feeling over being this close to her--the swelling ache that had centered in his lap.  There was no denying Deidra had his full attention and he was loving every second of being close to her.
“Do tell,” she urged him on digging out a piece of chicken from the pasta dish as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Well…” he started feeling her lift the chicken bite towards his mouth only to feel it land straight in the center of his chest over his white shirt.
“Oh my,” she gasped feigning horror, “Would you look at the mess I’ve made?  I suppose we should get that off before the stain sets.”
“It’s not that big of a deal.  The shirt really isn’t…” he began only to feel her tear open the buttons on his shirt.  Suddenly he was well aware of just how accidental the move had been when her lips dove in over his naked flesh.  Reaching out to bring his fingers through her hair, he tugged the tie out of it, feeling the loose, silkiness of her dark hair surround him as he spoke her name, “Deidra.”
“Dean, you have no idea how much I want you tonight,” she confessed in a low, throaty whisper, a primal desire raising up from within as he held her.
“Oh I think I have some clue considering I’m feeling it too,” he confessed taking the initiative at last to maneuver her in his arms.  Urging her back onto the blanket, he moved in over her, but not before discarding his shirt.  He eyed her generously noting the smile that spread over her beautiful face.
“You had this planned all along, didn’t you,” he teased leaning down to nibble on her lips.
“Maybe just a little bit,” she confessed with a playfulness, while her hands greedily explored the contours of his body, “but you can’t really hold it against me, can you?”
“I can think of something else that I’d much rather hold against you right about now Deidra,” he whispered suggestively, his mouth moving in over her neck, unable to get enough of her in that moment.  Reaching out over her hip, he eased the fabric of her dress up over her body, pooling it up around her waist before his fingers slipped in underneath to feel her smooth skin.  She gasped as his touch slipped in over her naval.  He could feel the goose bumps forming over her flesh as his lips devoured her creamy, soft skin, his mouth exploring her shoulder, her collarbone, back to her lips again for a full, sensual kiss.
“Oh Dean,” she murmured his name, arching her body up towards him leaving his imagination run wild with the briefest of touches between them.
“Deidra, you have no idea how long I’ve thought about something like this--how I’d imagined what it would be like to be with a woman like you--” he admitted kissing her once again, “Never in my fantasies were you so…”
“Wild, untamed,” she suggested with a bright grin, feeling the weight of him upon her, “Well, I guess you’re still in store for a few surprises given that I have a sweet tooth and a craving for dessert.”
With those words, she pushed her hand into his chest, sending him back onto the blanket and nearly dumping the bowl of popcorn in the process.  Within a matter of seconds, she straddled him, tugging the fabric of her dress up over her body, to reveal her almost completely naked body to him.  Searching out his hands, she guided them up over her breasts, savoring the feel of his explorations.  She tipped her head back, letting out a slow moan as Dean sat upright, squeezing and kneading her body much to her delight before his lips moved in for an intimate taste of her.
“Dean,” Deidra breathed his name, her body on fire by having captured his undivided attention.  She wiggled her hips over him, feeling his body oh so responsive to hers as she thought about what she was doing.  Only once before had she allowed herself to behave so out of control--so impulsive and it had lead her to a serial killer.  Okay, so that put a bit of a damper on the mood, she realized sitting up straighter for a moment.  Still, as she threaded her fingers through Dean’s hair demanding his mouth return to hers again, she pushed those memories aside.
“Deidra, you are so amazing…so incredible,” Dean mouthed in between kiss after heated kiss, but before Deidra could completely muster up the courage to see this seduction through, she felt Dean pull back.  “Wait…”
“Dean,” she questioned blankly watching the inner conflict building over his features.
“Deidra, we have to slow this down,” he blurted out surprising the both of them, “I mean I want you--God, I want you right here, right now, but if we do this…well, the truth is that I’m not ready to be your rebound guy.  I know what a jackass your husband is and what you’ve been through lately and I don’t want to be another problem to add to the fire.”
“Dean, that’s not what you are,” she blinked back at him in surprise feeling him reach out to touch her cheek gently.
“Deidra, you are by far the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my life.  You have a spirit and a spark about you that is so very rare in the world today.  Tonight, well God, you have no idea how bad I want you, but at the same time I know you’ve been hurt…”
“Dean, I know you’re not going to hurt me,” she started feeling safe with him, which was something that was rare these days.
“I know that, which is why I have to put the brakes on this,” he reached for her hand bringing it up to his lips in a tender kiss, “Deidra, you mean a lot to me.  I care about you--really, truly care about you in ways that I never thought would be possible before.  The truth is that I really think I’m falling in love with you.”
“You’re falling in love with me,” she repeated with wide eyes unable to find the words that fit in a moment like that.
He nodded before offering up a sideways grin, “It sounds crazy doesn’t it considering that we just only recently met, but the truth to the matter is that ever since I first lay eyes upon you, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.  I know you’ve been hurt before and while I’d be lying in telling you that I don’t want to make love to you right here and now, the truth is that I don’t want just one night.  I don’t want us to start something only to have it go away before we really had a chance to see it through.  I want more from us and I want to be given an opportunity to prove to you that I’m worth your considering falling in love with me as well.”
“Dean you have no idea how much I would love for that to happen, but given what I’ve been through…” she admitted thinking about Andy’s phone call and suddenly the reasoning behind her bold attempt to move forward hit her hard.  She moved up off of his lap rolling onto the blanket beside him.  Bringing her arms up over her chest, she dropped her head shamefully, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Dean reached out to touch her shoulder gently, “Don’t ever be sorry about any of this.  What we started tonight is incredible, but, well I want us to keep building towards that.”
“You don’t understand,” she shook her head unable to contain her tears, “My husband called tonight and had a fit about hurrying through our divorce.  He was just so cold and unfeeling and it brought back all those emotions that had consumed me when I found out about Andy cheating on me.  He made me feel like I was nothing--like I was useless and anything, but sexy to him…”
“Then your husband is a jackass plain and simple,” he reached out to her urging her to meet his eyes again, “Deidra, you are sexy, sensual and by far the most interesting woman I’ve ever met in my life.  When I’m with you, I look forward to getting to know you--all of you and that’s why I know that this,” he motioned to the scenario that surrounded them before he lifted her hand to his lips, “Well this will be all the more worth the wait between us.”
“Oh Dean,” she couldn’t help but continue to cry at what he was offering her, “I don’t deserve someone like you.”
“No, you’re right on that,” he smiled at her, “You deserve a hell of a lot more, but I’m just hoping that maybe you’ll try to ignore all my faults and give me a chance.”
“I’ll more than give you a chance,” she confessed leaning in to kiss him solemnly, “because the truth is that I think I might be falling in love with you as well.  It’s just with everything being so tangled with Andy…”
“To hell with Andy.  We’ll work on getting him out of your life and then we’ll see where fate takes us,” he suggested pulling her into his arms again.  After a few minutes of holding her, he finally spoke up again, “although I’m thinking that maybe we should get dressed before I do something that we both live to regret in rushing this.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right on that,” she nodded uneasily, “I guess I should throw your shirt in the laundry and put something else on.”
“That sounds like a good start, though you know I can put my shirt in if you tell me where to go,” Dean replied hoping to be helpful.
“I can do that and as for the movie, well how do you feel about a change of pace?  Maybe a romantic comedy?” she suggested with a sheepish expression.
“I think that sounds perfect,” Dean nodded in response realizing that things with him and Deidra were only starting and well worth taking the time to savor.  After she pulled herself together, she walked out of the room having given him instructions on her washing machine.  However, as soon as he was alone, he sank his head back on the couch closing his eyes as he tried tore mind himself of all the reasons why the waiting would have to take top priority in their relationship for the moment even if it was killing him inside.


Susan stood in the center of her living room looking around at the lavish furnishings she’d collected over the years.  While the move out here from the other side of the Stone Corp industries had been a quick one, she’d managed to make this place seem like home.  Granted when she’d stepped in Kipp Mahoney had the place an absolute mess, but she’d easily remedied that. 
Now sipping on the chardonnay she’d poured for herself, she contemplated all the reasons why she’d opted to stay here tonight instead of going back to her and Grady’s home.  Of course the answer to why she’d made the choice had been quite obvious.  It just wasn’t the same without Grady.  Sure, they’d had their share of falling outs, but there was a time when things had been fun and exciting.  A time when they’d had passion and fire and enough to hold her interest.  Closing her eyes she thought back to the various times in the past when their fury had transpired into explosive lovemaking.  When they’d tried to tear one another to shreds only to have come upon the greatest passion she’d ever known…well aside from the thrill she’d gotten from Ken during the affair.
“Oh Grady,” she sighed opening her eyes once again as her attention was directed to a framed photo she still had of the two of them on her mantle.   Reaching for it, she looked at the old wedding photograph thinking about how right things had been for them for a brief while, “If only you would’ve listened to me.  If only you wouldn’t have put up such a fight, then maybe just maybe you’d still be here with me.  Maybe you and I could still try to fix things…”
Closing her eyes, she thought back to her ex-husband again before hearing a knock on the door.  Placing the photo back where she’d had it, she stood up straighter before making her way to the front door to see who would think about bothering her at a time like this.  Throwing the door open, she was surprised to see Cameron standing before her.
“I tried your cell phone, but it wasn’t working,” Cameron began marching into her apartment.
“I turned it off,” Susan explained matter of fact frowning at his unexpected arrival.   Closing the door behind him, she followed him into her living room, “What’s on your mind Cameron?”
“That my dear Susan will take far longer than you have time for, but we do have one thing in particular to discuss,” Cameron started, a seriousness behind his voice.
“If this is about Kyle Houston, I’m already working an angle on it.  Turns out he was one of Grady’s college chums there.  A football buffoon that my ex used to spend time with and while I’m not really sure why I didn’t make the connection in our earlier discussion, I can promise you that I’ll find a way of dealing with him for you.”
“This isn’t about Kyle Houston,” Cameron shook his head, “but more so about Grady himself.”
“What about Grady,” she arched a curious brow.
“Well Susan, there’s no easy way to put this other than just flat out telling you what’s going on,” he stepped in closer to her, his dark eyes narrowing with the moment, “You’ve been duped.  We’ve all been duped.”
“Duped,” she repeated with a strange look, “What does that mean?”
“It means that Grady’s not dead,” Cameron blurted out with a grumble, “He never was and right now, he’s been taken into custody at the police station.  Turns out he was laying low in the hopes that this little crime he committed would just go away.”
“What,” Susan blinked back in confusion, “No, that can’t be.  Grady wouldn’t…”
“Wouldn’t he?” Cameron arched a brow back at her, “It appears that he must’ve picked up on a few shadier tactics from you during your marriage Susan.  Not only did he almost get away with it, but he’s been prancing around town flaunting his little game in our faces.  Why when Thea spotted him earlier…”
“Thea spotted him,” her eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re damn right she did and now, well now it’s time for payback,” Cameron vowed cryptically, “I just hope you’re ready for all of this.”
“Of course I am,” she nodded trying to ignore the feeling of betrayal that had swept over her at the thought of what Grady had done to her.
“Good, because the ADA running the case is a Carly Matthews and I want you to make quick friends with her.  I want you to feed her every piece of information we have about Grady’s guilt and let her know that we’re more than happy to extend our courtesies to her and the DA’s office,” he informed her quickly.
“Is this Carly on your payroll as well?  Will she be in the know,” Susan lifted a curious brow.
“No, which is why she’s been dubbed a wild card,” Cameron frowned back at her, “While some of Chavez’s people are doing what I need them to do for a minimal fee, this Matthews is a sharp shooter.  She believes in the justice system and all the morals set out by society.  She’s got some personal ties to this in the fact that she used to be engaged to the police chief, but I’m hoping that once she hears our side of things, she’ll have no choice but to be persuaded to win that guilty verdict.”
“And if she doesn’t agree to play along,” Susan questioned curiously.
“She’ll play along because if she doesn’t, well let’s just say that everyone has their breaking point,” he explained with a sinister smile before another thought occurred to him, “Though I hope you will be willing to play given how Grady deceived you.”
“Oh he’ll pay for that one way or another,” Susan vowed with a smirk, “I’m not about to let him get off scot-free on that one.”
“Good, there’s the spirit,” Cameron nodded approvingly, “because you’re going to be vital on this one Susan.  I need you to help push the win for Ms. Matthews.”
“I’ll do what is needed to get the job done,” Susan promised vowing to make Grady pay for giving her a reason to be upset.  So, he’d made her mourn him unnecessarily, well now it was time for Susan to make him suffer for daring to deceive her.  Grady was most certainly going down once and for all.


“You know we really need to quit meeting up like this,” Diego whispered stepping in behind Sarah at the nursery.  He smiled as he looked down at Heather’s little boy in the incubator before him, “How is he doing?”
“Much better today,” Sarah admitted with a soft smile, “he’s had a hard road behind him and still one to face in the future, but the nurse’s say that he’s getting stronger each day.”
“I knew he would,” Diego smiled approvingly, “he’s a fighter like his mother.”
“That he is,” Sarah nodded in agreement, “How’s Heather holding up?”
“She’s still sleeping which doesn’t surprise me, but there is a guard posted outside her room.  I just thought I’d come in and check in on the two of you,” Diego explained quickly, “Kyle came in earlier looking for you and I told him you were here.”
“Was something wrong,” Sarah frowned slightly.
“He didn’t really say, but he wanted me to tell you that he’d be back when he could.  He said he had a few things to take care of,” Diego informed her with a simple shrug, “It looked kind of intense.”
“That’s what I’m worried about,” she thought aloud catching note of Diego’s expression, “Kyle tends to get in over his head about things more often than he cares to admit.  He’s big and tough and he can take on a lot, but sometimes he takes on too much.”
“I can’t say he’s the only one,” Diego threw out a pointed look in her general direction.
“Yes, well with Kyle, it could lead him to some real danger,” Sarah admitted bringing her hand through her blonde hair, “He tends to get in the thick of things and whatever he’s working on right now has him really tied in knots.  He’s so emotionally invested in the case he’s got going on because it’s for a friend and while he tries to downplay it, I can see that it’s upsetting him.”
“Sounds like you have him pegged pretty well,” Diego noted back.
“Yeah, well it’s not hard to figure out Kyle Houston,” she let out a tiny laugh, “considering that he has been my best friend for practically my whole life.  He likes to pretend that he’s this big mystery, but for the most part he’s an open book.”
“Sounds like there’s more sentiment there than you’re revealing at the moment,” Diego prodded further noticing the color that rose over her features.
“Kyle’s always kind of been my hero.  He’s been there when I needed someone--when my mother and I…” Sarah stopped herself, “Well, let’s just say he’s been through some very tough times with me.”
“You mean like when your parents had their car accident,” Diego questioned thinking about a conversation he’d had with Heather, “Heather told me she was very young at the time that they’d died, so I can only imagine what you must’ve gone through.”
“She told you our parents died in a car accident,” Sarah’s eyes widened in horror.
Diego nodded, “That’s right.  She said that after that she was forced to live with an aunt and…”
“And she’s such a liar,” Sarah shook her head, bitterness behind her words, “You’d think that she’d just grow out of that and start telling the truth.”
“I don’t understand,” Diego blinked back at her, “I mean I just assumed.”
“She didn’t even tell you she had a sister, so why am I not surprised,” Sarah huffed thinking about her tortured relationship with Heather.  Turning to face Diego again, she had tears glistening behind her eyes, “Though you know this is typical for Heather.  She always makes up these stories--gets these dramatic notions and then winds up in a mess…”
“Sarah, look I didn’t mean to upset you and I’m sorry if I got the story wrong,” Diego apologized feeling her anger overtake her.
“No, Diego, it’s not you.  It’s Heather,” she admitted with a groan shaking her head once again, “She just makes up these stories--has this fictional life that she made up.  The truth is she’s embarrassed of where we came from--of who we are.”
“Sarah, I’m well aware of the fact that you grew up in a time and place where you weren’t given a lot of resources,” Diego started thinking about the one conversation he and Heather had about video games.
“No Diego, it was worse than that.  We grew up in the poorest of poor places,” Sarah sighed revealing the truth to him, “We lived in this trailer park just off of the highway about fifty miles north of here.  Our mother was a waitress who worked her life away while our father was never there.  I’m not even sure Heather and I have the same father given that our mother wasn’t exactly the most stable of women when she was with us.”
“You mean…” Diego felt suddenly foolish for bringing it all up to begin with.
“Did you know her last name isn’t even Gibbons?  It’s Marx like mine.  Heather Marx born in Burton just like the rest of us she chose to forget.  She dropped out of school when she was sixteen and said to hell with us when she ran off to Hollywood.  She went to find her dreams while I stayed back with our mother watching her fade away each day by the disease that had overtaken her.  While my sister was off setting her sights on the stars, I got to take care of our dying mother until she finally lost her battle with cancer,” Sarah broke into tears, “and all I was left with from Heather was a big, screw you and a reminder to not get in her way.”
Diego opened his mouth to speak, but wasn’t given the chance to as Sarah continued.
“Oh Heather may have you fooled, but the truth to the matter is that she makes up these stories because she’s ashamed of who she is, of where she came from and when her family needed her the most, she turned her back on us.  She never looked back and even the last time I saw her, she told me I could go right back where I came from because I wasn’t about to ruin this life she has for herself now,” Sarah’s gaze drifted back to the baby before her, “but from what I’ve seen so far, she hasn’t had much of a life.  This baby is the best thing that’s happened to her and yet, she’s got so much going on surrounding his birth on top of the accident.”
“Yes she does,” Diego nodded in agreement, “but more so I can see she’s been given a second chance.  Sarah, you could’ve turned your back on her and walked away, but you’re still here.  You haven’t done that yet.”
“Because if I did, I’d be no better than she was,” Sarah explained with a sniffle, “I’d be worse.”
“But you aren’t,” Diego reached out to touch her arm gently, “When Douglas Mahoney came in and gave you grief or even Cameron Stone, you took them both on no questions asked.  You pushed aside all of the hurt you experienced and you vowed to put Heather and her son first.  You’ve been doing that from the moment I first met you and if nothing else it shows what kind of person you really are.  You’re a good sister Sarah.”
“Yeah well I’m sure Heather would argue that point,” she took a step away from him, “but that doesn’t change how I feel.  I’m not going to let anyone or anything hurt this little boy.  He needs to have a fighting chance and I’m not going to let Heather’s decisions impact his future.  I won’t let those creeps get near him.”
“Neither will I,” Diego promised, “You’re doing the right thing Sarah.”
“I really hope so,” she replied in a tight whisper while watching her nephew.  While she’d tried to pretend that she could put the past in the past, after having spoken with Diego, she knew that there was so much more that she still had to deal with.  Heather may be in a hospital fighting for her life, but that didn’t change the things Heather had done.  Surely she wouldn’t have wished this upon her, but she had to wonder if and when her sister pulled out of this mess if she’d be ready to turn over a new leaf.  Somehow Sarah seriously doubted it.


Kyle took in a slow breath.  This was the last place he wanted to be knowing that Russ was dead and that Grady was in jail, but he didn’t have a choice in the matter.  He’d done a bit of his own research putting his good skills as a private investigator to work and now that he stood outside Shannon Pryce’s hotel room, he felt a tension creep in over his neck and shoulders.  Knocking on the door, he braced himself for her reaction knowing he was probably one of the last people she wanted to see, but still he didn’t have a choice in the matter.  Just as suspected, he was right about her reaction when she opened the door.
“What the hell are you doing here Houston,” she glared up at him.
“We need to talk,” he stated matter of fact before motioning to her hotel room, “Can I come in?”
“I don’t know.  That all depends,” Shannon gave him a firm look, “Will I have to arrest you in the process?”
“I’ll try to behave,” he replied behind gritted teeth hoping she’d cut him a break.  Much to his relief, she allowed him access to her hotel room. 
Closing the door behind him, Shannon cleared her throat again before addressing him, “Speak.”
“Okay,” he rubbed his palms together before spinning around to face her once again, “I don’t normally do this, but I need a favor.”
“You need a favor,” she couldn’t help but laugh, “Out of me?”
His face darkened as her laughter continued to grow, “Yeah, okay chalk it up for the moment, but I’m being serious here.”
“Oh that’s a good one,” she let out one last laugh before she too grew serious, “Okay Houston, what gives?  Why should I help you with anything?”
“Because if you do, then I’ll do everything in my power to bring that sick bastard that bombed the airport to you to take care of him,” Kyle vowed thinking about the bombing that took his friend from him.
“Kyle, if you didn’t notice I plan on doing that on my own anyways,” Shannon pointed out with a frown.
“Yes, but if I get my hands on him first, you won’t get the chance because I will kill him Shannon,” Kyle replied solemnly, “There are no qualms about that in my mind.  I’m not going to let that sicko ride free.”
“And your telling me that puts you in a tentative position Kyle,” Shannon folded her arms in front of her chest.
“Even so, it’s the truth Shannon.  That’s what you asked for from me and that’s what you’re getting,” Kyle informed her point blank, “Take it or leave it.  I really don’t give a damn.”
“Fine, then let’s presume for a minute that I’m almost interested in hearing what it is you need from me,” Shannon replied matter of fact keeping her distanced stance, “What would that be exactly?”
“I want you to help me prove that Grady didn’t shoot Kipp Mahoney,” Kyle blurted out firmly.
“Come again,” Shannon blinked back at him in confusion, “why would I do that?”
“Because you know he’s innocent as well as I do.  You know that Cameron Stone is pulling the strings in this town and beyond that I have you pegged as the type not to take crap from authority.  You don’t like seeing the bad guy get the jump on you time and time again.  Plus, you and Grady are friends.  Need I go on further?”
“Grady’s dead Kyle,” Shannon replied with a frown.
“No, he’s not, but I’m going to pretend that you weren’t just trying to downplay the situation by feigning ignorance.  I know Dave Warner kept you in the loop even if you pretended not to be,” Kyle continued straight to the point, “the truth to the matter is that right now one of my best friends is being taken down to the police station--being charged for a crime we both know he didn’t commit and I’m not about to stand for it.  His brother just died and he shouldn’t have to deal with all of this.”
“And what makes you think that I’m the person with all the pull to make a miracle pop out of nowhere,” Shannon threw back at him curiously.
“Because you’re like me.  You don’t want to follow the rules and the FBI tries to knock you down for it.  Even now with them having you interview people on the bombing, they cut you out of the loop.  They cut you out of the real stuff happening and put you on grunt work just like they did in the Mathis case.  They threw you out of the loop so fast you still haven’t bounced back all because someone was threatened by the fact you were the only one who had a chance of ending this madness.”
“Flattery isn’t going to get you anywhere Kyle,” Shannon glared back at him, still not bending to his request.
“I’m not attempting flattery.  I’m telling it like it is.   Look Shannon I’ve done my own research on Mathis.  I know he’s got to be tied into that bombing and I’m willing to share everything I have with you if you help me clear Grady’s name.  I know you have every reason not to trust me, but together we can find a way to do this.  We can make things right for once,” Kyle tried to appeal to her again.
“Kyle, what makes you think I can get any further than you can on this issue?  You’re the private investigator, isn’t research your specialty there?  You know digging up dirt on everyone?”  she asked skeptically.
“Sure, that’s my thing, but you have access to places that only someone in your position can look into.  I mean yeah I could break into the FBI computer system, but I’d really rather cut through all that red tape and have you do it for me.  It would make things so much easier rather than having to make up some elaborate plan to make it happen--which I can do, I hope you realize.”
“Not if your ass is in jail,” Shannon frowned in response.
“Shannon, come on.  Quit being so damned stubborn and just say yes already.  I know you want to,” Kyle prodded hoping she would cave.
“As much as I’d like to say no, I’m curious to see just what you’ve been working on,” Shannon revealed after a moment’s contemplation, “I’ve had an eye on you Houston and if we have to work together for me to get a feel for what you’re up to, then perhaps it might be worth saying yes.”
“I’ll let you know whatever it is you want to know if you do this for me Shannon.  I’ll give you that bomber on a platter along with Mathis if you give me a few minutes to rough him up first,” Kyle offered his hand out to her, “what do you say?”
“I say the terms are still negotiable, but you’ve got yourself a deal,” Shannon reached for his hand shaking on it with him knowing full well that the both of them were more than likely to get in over their heads.  Still knowing she wasn’t doing it alone was all the encouragement she needed to get a jump start on this next adventure mission.


“You shouldn’t be here Avery,” Grady’s tired eyes explained to her from across the table.
“Like hell I shouldn’t be,” Avery shook her head at him already having had enough of his trying to get her to go away, “This is where I belong right now.”
“No, you need to be in the hospital or at home recovering at the very least,” Grady reminded her sharply, “The last thing I need is for anything to happen to you or my niece.”
“Grady, I’m your lawyer and I’m going to get you out of this.  While the sun might’ve did something to your brain, the fact remains that I’m the one holding the cards.  We’re going to get you out of here.”
“Avery, I blew it.  I came back and…” Grady started thinking about the ridiculous arrest.
“Grady, I promise you this isn’t going to stand.  You should’ve have been in jail in the first place because I know you’re innocent.  Let me work my magic and I can promise you that the rest of the world will see it too,” she reached across the table to take his hand, “Trust me.”
“Avery, the world isn’t exactly going to see things the same way they might’ve before considering that I faked my death there,” he threw out a pointed look, “That looks kind of bad.”
“Okay, so it isn’t exactly the picture of positivity, but Russ and I found a few things that will convince any jury with half a brain that you’re innocent.  Plus I had the misfortune of meeting up with the prosecutor, and I can promise you I’m going to win this one,” Avery stated matter of fact,  “You’ll see.”
“What I see is that right now this shouldn’t be happening.  You shouldn’t be doing this now when you need to rest.  Russ would be highly upset with me if he knew that…” Grady started to protest once again.
“Russ would want me to be here and when he comes home again Grady, he’ll tell you that himself,” Avery answered stubbornly, “You’ll see.”
“Avery, we both know that isn’t going to happen.  Russ is…” Grady began watching the refusal to believe the truth in her eyes.
“Don’t say that,” Avery snapped back at him, “Your brother isn’t dead.  He’s alive and this is all just some big misunderstanding.  He’s going to come home as soon as he can and then you’ll have us both fighting for you.  You’ll see.”
“Avery,” he sighed hating to see her in such a state, “I know you want to believe that, but…”
“But nothing.  That wasn’t Russ today.  Grady, I know it wasn’t him.  It couldn’t be him.  That man was wrong,” she continued in a strong state of denial after what they’d witnessed.  “I don’t know where Russ is, but when he comes back he’ll explain what’s going on.  He’ll tell us what he’s been up to and it’ll all be okay.  I’m sure of that.”
“Avery,” he started stopping himself as nothing felt right at a time like this.  Reaching out to squeeze her hand, he looked at her with poignant eyes, “please take this time to take care of yourself.  I can get another lawyer.”
“No, you can’t and you won’t because I’m not quitting on you.  I’m going to prove to the world that you’re innocent once and for all.  You and Jade can finally get that life you’ve both been dreaming about together and when Russ returns we can all have what we’ve been waiting for.  We can finally be free,” she smiled, her voice full of enthusiasm and eagerness for the day her dream would come into fruition.  Only Grady knew better.  He knew that there would be no happily ever after at the end of the rainbow for her and his brother.  Russ was gone and eventually Avery was going to have to face that.
“Avery, I know that you mean well, but…” he started again fearing for her mental stability.
“But nothing.  I’ve already called in my assistant to start running through the paperwork.  We’ll get a trial going and when we do, this time, it’s going to be over once and for all.  We’re going to get you out of here,” she promised him feeling him squeeze her hand again. 
She squeezed his hand in return and in that instant Grady found himself far more worried about her than he did himself.  When reality set in, she was going to come crashing down and with Russ unable to be the one to save her from her fall, she would be left more vulnerable and open than ever.  That in itself scared the hell out of him given the strong state of denial she was living in.
“Avery…” he began again.
“Look, I’ll get working on your case right away and I’ll send Jade in here,” she assured him with a hopeful smile.  “It’ll all work out Grady.  You’ll see.”
“I’m sure I will,” he nodded in confession wondering what it was that his family had done to deserve so many horrible twists of fate--one right after another.


Brant paced the hallway wondering what was going on inside the room with Grady and her.  She’d been gone for quite a long time there and it was making him uneasy given what he’d witnessed over the last couple of days.
“You know you could try just taking it easy for a little bit there,” Jade suggested from where she was seated across the narrow hallway, “It’s my fiancé that was brought in on charges, you know.”
“I realize that, but Avery really shouldn’t be going overboard right now.  She has the baby to think about and…” Brant shook his head feeling his worry consume him, “She just shouldn’t be.”
“Yeah well, Avery’s not one to back down from a fight.  I know she’ll be okay,” Jade added as yet another uncomfortable silence ensued.  Brant resumed his pacing and Jade found herself wishing that this situation hadn’t happened to begin with.  Right now she wanted to find Cameron Stone and rip his head off for all he’d done, but instead she forced herself to try and stay calm.  Easier said than done, she realized.
“Brant,” she spoke his name once again causing him to look up from the floor that he’d been so very interested in.
“Yes?” he asked still so very far away from the expression on his face.
“I just wanted to say thank you before I forget,” Jade explained as an afterthought.  When he and Kyle had been going at it, it was easy to forget what he’d done, but now, well now there was not any real excuse for keeping her silence.
“Thank you,” he repeated blankly giving her a strange look.
“For saving Seth,” Jade nodded in confession, “I know that you didn’t have to do it, but I’m glad that you did.  My brother means a lot to me and if I would’ve lost him…”
“Blake loves him very much,” Brant explained honestly, “I wouldn’t want to see her world ripped apart by losing him.”
“I know,” she nodded in confession, “and for what it’s worth, Seth loves her very much as well.  He’s never been as lost in love as he is with her.  She’s given him a reason to be happy again and that means a lot to me.  I really want to see things work out for them if for no other reason.”
“So do I,” Brant nodded in confession thinking about the memory that had haunted him back in Avery’s hospital room.  Suddenly very uneasy, he reached into his pocket for his cell phone, “Actually if you’ll excuse me, I have to return a phone call.  Tell Avery I’ll be right back if she comes out.”
“I’ll do that,” Jade nodded watching his retreat curiously.
When Brant was far enough away from Jade, he sank back against the wall behind him.  It was bad enough that he’d carried that horrible memory with him for so very long, but now that Blake was seeing Jade’s brother, it just complicated things on so many levels.  Closing his eyes Brant tried to will the images of a broken, battered Jade from his subconscious.  It was just too much, too overwhelming--too…
The ringing of his cell phone saved him from the endless torture he was about to endure.  Bringing his phone up to his ear, he answered out of breath.
“Brant, is that you,” Michael questioned on the other end of the line, “Is this a bad time?”
“No, not at all,” Brant shook his head, “Tell me you’ve got some good news for me.”
“I wish I could, but from what I’ve discovered Stone really had a leap on this new drug.  Brant if we don’t come up with something like yesterday then he’s going to beat us to the punch,” Michael admitted with a heavy sigh, “though I don’t see how that’s possible.  Our research has been years advanced over every other group and for Stone to just pull it all out of his magic hat like that…”
“He’s having help,” Brant decided with a huff, “there has to be someone feeding the information to him.”
“Brant, you and I both know that my staff is loyal.  You picked out my team yourself and…” Michael began to defend his fellow researchers.
“I’m not saying it’s your team per se, but I think we have someone playing both sides,” Brant explained with a scowl.
“The question is who and how do we find out which one is on Stone’s payroll,” Michael spoke Brant’s thoughts aloud.
“I don’t know, but I think it’s time we started looking into it because sooner or later heads are going to roll,” Brant vowed finally having had enough of Cameron’s annoyance in his life.  Perhaps it was time to stop playing the passive adversary and turn up the heat at long last.


“So,” Seth began feeling a bit awkward as he stood in the center of the porch in front of Blake’s guest house on the Ashford estate.  While he’d imagined they’d be going back to his apartment, she’d said something about a last minute errand that she needed to do.  Little did he know it would lead them right back to the place where he’d called their relationship quits the last time they were together.  Uneasily he eyed her with obvious confusion.  “Okay, I give, what’s going on?”
“Well, I figured that since the last time we were here things weren’t so great between us, that if we ignored this place that well, it was always going to be a sore spot for us.  I behaved like a complete ass when we were having a romantic evening here before, so I’d like to remedy that,” Blake explained brightly, smiling up at him, “I want to be able to put the past behind us and move on in the future without having any of those negative feelings that surrounded us before.”
“So you brought us back here to do what?” he arched a now curious brow, “To recreate the moment and make it end on a much better note.”
“Not exactly,” Blake reached for his hand, “Just close your eyes and trust me on this one.”
“Okay,” he did as instructed and after a few seconds he felt her return to his side, her hand over his arm.
“Just let me lead the way,” Blake urged him on, her enthusiasm shining through with each step she took into the smaller house off of the main estate, “Don’t look.”
“You mean I can’t have your lack of patience,” he couldn’t help but poke fun at her.  Of course she hadn’t seemed to like it very much as he felt a very distinct, very sharp jab in his ribs.  “Hey, I’m an injured man remember?”
“With a smart mouth on him,” she chastised before stopping in the center of the room, “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
Seth did as instructed and he found himself met by various balloons and a cotton candy machine set up in the far corner of the room.  There was a table full of peanuts and stuffed elephants and monkeys spread out over the couch.  Raising a curious brow, he turned to Blake, “What is all this?”
“It’s my attempt at recreating our first real date,” Blake explained matter of fact taking his hand in hers, “While it’s far too cold for us to go rushing over to the carnival after you were in the hospital and all, well I thought I’d bring a little bit of the magic back to the moment.  In fact, I even went over there earlier and got this,” she walked away from him returning with a photograph in hand, “It’s from the Tunnel of Love ride we took together.”
“Blake,” he found himself speechless at what she’d done to recreate such a wonderful moment between them.
“And there’s more,” she explained eagerly, “Once we’ve explored the magic of our first date, then we move on to our second…well maybe it wasn’t our second, but you have to come with me.”
“I’m coming,” he laughed again feeling her tug him down the hallway towards one of the bedrooms.  Opening the door quickly, she nudged him inside to see the projection of Cinderella’s castle on the far wall at the end of the room.  Also on the floor were pillows and a blanket and what appeared to be her strawberry shortcake she’d made for him after the earthquake.  Smiling he stepped forward enjoying taking it all in.  Leaning down, he picked up the container she’d left for him to notice, “My, I am getting the star treatment tonight, aren’t I?”
“Only if you share,” Blake approached him snatching the container away from him, “because you know I’ll expect this to be a two way street with us in that department.”
“In that case I’m sure we can work out some kind of arrangement,” he stole the container away from her before curling his arm around her waist to bring her near him as well, “How does sharing the rest of my life with you sound?”
“Like a dream come true,” Blake confessed tipping up on her toes to kiss him as she looked forward to sharing her future with the man she loved.  They finally were getting it right and she couldn’t be happier. From now on she was convinced that it was going to be smooth sailing for the both of them. 


Ria kicked off her shoes ready to call it a night after yet another eighteen hour shift at the hospital.  Somehow when someone mentioned that her residency would be grueling, she was never banking on this.  She hadn’t had time to think let alone enjoy life since the bombing and now, well right now the only thing that really seemed to appeal to her was the bed that she’d been far away from over the last few days.  Sleep sounded like the ultimate aphrodisiac right about now and she wasn’t about to give that one dream up for the night.
“To a good night’s rest,” she saluted herself with a quick cup of tea she’d prepared in the midst of her stripping out of her coat and discarding her purse with some of her other hospital gear.  She’d finally made it home and home was where she was going to savor her night.
“Oh bed, how I have missed you so,” Ria said in sweet longing to feel the cottony blankets wrapped around her--to have her body melt into the fluffy softness of her mattress, but before she could make it halfway into her hall, a tapping on her door began.
“No,” Ria cried out closing her eyes and trying to will her visitor away.  It wasn’t fair.  She couldn’t have someone here--not tonight.  Not when so much was going on--not when…  Shaking the thought aside, she thought about the things that had been happening with Diane and with Jade and she knew she couldn’t ignore the knock.
“Sometimes I hate being a good friend,” she muttered to herself making her way over to her front door.  Frowning, she pulled the door open and spoke up, “You’d better make this quick!”
“So quick that I should turn around now and not come back,” a familiar face questioned as the woman before her let out a tiny laugh, “Ria, honey working as a doctor clearly isn’t doing anything for your temperament, now is it?”
“Valerie,” Ria’s eyes immediately perked up at the woman before her.  Unable to contain herself, she reached out to embrace her childhood friend, “What are you doing here?”
“Obviously irritating the hell out of you,” Valerie laughed in response returning the embrace, “If this is a bad time…”
“No, this isn’t a bad time at all,” Ria invited her in, “I’m just surprised to see you standing here considering that the last time I saw you was at the airport when we were sending you off.  I would’ve figured you’d be in London or Milan or Paris right about now…”
“Well, you know I’ve been there, done that,” Valerie shrugged with another tiny laugh, “but you know even the jet setter life leaves you feeling restless.  My agent booked me on this thing not far from town and he insisted that I spent my time in one of the hotels, but when I remembered that you were here…”
“You made the right decision in coming here,” Ria explained closing the door behind her, “Say no more.  You can stay here as long as you like.”
“You mean that?” Valerie faced her smiling once again, “I mean I don’t want to impose.”
“Val, I haven’t seen you in almost three years.  Of course I mean it.  You are like a sister to me and besides this place is way too quiet and too big for me.  As long as you don’t mind that I’m a bit of a mess tonight and a tad bit grumpy, then well, all will work out great,” Ria continued to explain making her way through the living room, “The guest bedroom is all yours, though I will warn you it’s not like what you’re used to I’m sure.”
“I’m not even used to what I’m used to,” Valerie admitted following Ria into the kitchen, “but I guess that happens when you leap out of small town life without looking back.”
“Sometimes I wish I had the guts to try it myself,” Ria reached for her tea kettle opting to put some more on now that she had company, “So what are you back for?  What kind of shoot is it?”
“Well, it’s a bit complicated, but the shoot isn’t really the only reason I’m back,” Valerie explained honestly.  Leaning up against the doorway, she let out another sigh, “I mean sure I was the one who practically begged to get the shoot so close to home, but I was really hoping to catch up with old friends--you know to see how things have changed and if maybe some other things changed the same.”
Ria stopped what she was doing at the tone in her friend’s voice.  Looking up from the tea kettle, she noticed the familiar expression on her pal’s face, “Be more specific Val.  I can see you’ve got something on your mind.”
“I do,” Valerie nodded in response, “and while I know it’s probably unfair of me to ask you this right now considering I haven’t been around in a long time, well I need to ask you a favor.”
“I’m listening,” Ria replied wondering what it was that Valerie had on her mind.
“Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about life lately--a lot of reflecting if you will and I’ve been pondering the choices I’ve made.  I know that I did what was right in the moment, but now…” she paused.
“You’re having second thoughts?” Ria half questioned.
“Not necessarily, but I have had one thing on my mind a lot lately.  I’ve been thinking about the one thing in my life that I would change if I could--the one moment that I would erase and make right and when that comes back to me, well the only thing on my mind is…” Valerie sighed with extra emphasis.
“Is what?” Ria questioned fearing she knew where this was head.
“Seth.  I miss Seth, Ria, and I think that I need to find a way to fix what happened with him before I can move forward with my life.  I need to see him again so that he and I can talk about what went wrong and maybe just maybe…” her eyes lit up with a hope that Ria knew all too well from her impulsive pal, “Ria, I need to see him again.”
“Val, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea considering…” Ria began uneasily.
“What do you mean you don’t know,” Valerie shook her head at her before letting out a small laugh, “All things considered I think Seth will be just as happy to see me as I am him.  Despite the fact that we had a few issues near the end, the fact still remains that he’s the only man whose ever really lit my fire and I’m the only girl that drives him wild.  Ria, you must help me.  If I don’t see him again and soon I’ll absolutely die.”
“Val, a lot has changed since you’ve left and I really don’t think that Seth wants to…” Ria started tentatively.
“Trust me Ria, with me, Seth always wants to,” Valerie boasted taking a bold step forward to retrieve a coffee mug now that she’s laid her interest out on the line.  One way or another she would find her way back to Seth and together, well she had plans for where their future would lead them…with or without Ria’s help.


...to be continued...